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Bucky hugged Iris from behind, she laughed sinking into his embrace. His cool metal arm on the exposed skin from where her top rode up a little. "Thank you so much for yesterday." He mumbled into her hair as he kissed her head.

"Its no problem." Iris responded. "Did he stay the night." She asked as he released her so she could continue doing the washing.

"No," Bucky said quietly, running his hand though his hair. "He said he was going to, but never turned up." Iris sighed.

"That's me and you both. Tony seems to have worked all night." Bucky nodded.

"Its gonna be me and you curling up together soon." He said with a grin. Iris nodded with a chuckle. "You doing Tony's washing?" Iris nodded holding up a T-shirt. It had a picture of his face on it saying. 'I'm fucking Iron Man.' She stuffed it into the machine.

"He's ego certainly isnt suffering." Iris said as she pressed the start button. Bucky was grinning. "What?" She asked. Bucky grapped her phone. He stared at it for a minute or two while Iris waited patiently.

"Okay look what I've ordered." He said showing her, her phone. A T-shirt saying 'I'm fucking Captain America.' Iris frowned.

"What you gonna give it to Steve?" She asked confused. Bucky shook his head. "Oh..." Iris said catching on. "Your fucking Captain America." Bucky nodded.

"Because it's on Tony's card it's coming in an hour, so i dare us both to wear those shirts and act completely cool about it." Iris smirked.

"This my friend, is why I missed you." She said patting his shoulder.


Bucky was laughing carrying Jamie as him and Iris entered the room where the Avengers were gathered. People glanced at them then back to what they were doing then back to them again. Tony spluttered on his drink. Iris frowned.

"You okay hon?" She said dropping into the sofa beside him. Bucky Let Jamie down as she ran straight to Caden who was sat smirking at the window drawing. Steve how'd been watching Caden was staring at Bucky.

"Nice T-shirts you two." Nat said with a grin. Iris pulled at the shirt that was clearly too big for her.

"What this old thing? Just something I found." Tony pressed a soft kiss to her neck making her shiver.

"Has it escaped you that you've never actually fucked Iron man." He whispered.

"I can change that." She whispered back, making Tony bit his lip to stop a groan. He picked up a cushion putting it on his lap to hide his arousal.

Steve stood up. Nat swore quietly. This was only going to go one way. She watched him stare at Iris. She gulped. His eyes drifted to Bucky. Iris's eyes widened as she caught on. She glanced to Nat for confirmation who nodded grimly. Steve walked forward, Iris tensed in Tony's hold.

But he passed her, grapping the front of Bucky's shirt and pressing his lips against his. Nat and Iris released their breath together. Bucky staggered backwards his hands flying to Steve's hair. Iris smiled, letting her head fall onto Tony's shoulder.

They broke away gasping. "What was that for?" Bucky asked, slightly out of breath. Steve shrugged giving him a small smile.

"I dont know." He glanced at Nat who gave him a wink. Caden walked towards his mom, he showed her the sketch pad.

"Ooh, I love it." Iris said tracing the lines with her finger.

"Jesus!" Tony said glancing at it. "Its fucking awesome." Caden grinned. Iris whacked him for swearing but she didnt really mean it. "You should go to an art school." Tony said taking the sketch pad from him.

"Hey baby, do you think you could do one in colour, and then me and Tones could have it on our wall." Caden's eyes lit up.

"Definitely." Caden took Iris's phone that was poking from her pocket.

"Can I borrow this for reference?" Iris nodded. Tony lifted her chin and kissed her. A flash of bright light came from the phone, and Caden ran away giggling. Steve smiled, proudly.

"Sir, Nick Fury has sent you a voice message, its relevant to all the Avengers. However as the twins havent been through training or even human contact they are excused." Tony frowned.

"Play it." He said as Iris sat up a little.

"Team, I'm sorry for the urgency but we have a major problem." A loud explosion sounded behind him. "Hydra have taken SHEILD. Your on your own, you wont have our back up but we could really use your help before they hack our sytems, cause then we're screwed. Good luck team we believe it you." Someone shouted Fury and then the line went dead. Nat gulped.

Iris stood up, "How do we do this?" Steve put his hand on her shoulder, she sunk back into him slightly.

"Together." Was all he could mumble. She turned round letting her head rest against his chest. "It'll be okay Iris." He paused. "You dont have to come if you dont want too." Iris looked up looping her arms around his waist. "I know this is what you tried to avoid." She shook her head.

"You know you need me Captain." She smirked pulling away. "Just," she paused looking at Jamie. Then at Bucky. "Buck." He met her eyes, she saw the fear cross his face as he realised what she meant.

"They'll be expecting me." He said quietly. "Hydra don't know Ris has joined and even if they do she doesnt have trigger words." Iris picked Jamie up, holding her tight against her chest rocking her gently. "If I turn on you I'm going to kill someone. Iris can control me if she's tries but I dont want to hurt her."

Steve crossed his arms. "So what are you saying?" His voice was slightly higher than normal. Bucky met Iris's eyes again.

"I..I'm not coming. I'm more of a risk than a help and with Iris my spots covered." He said quietly. Iris walked forward.

"Take my babies away from the city." She said kissing Jamie's head. "Caden trusts you, a lot and you know everything." She said softly. "I trust you." She said slowly. Bucky smiled he kissed her head softly.

"I promsie I'll look after them. I'll take the twins too. Maybe teach them some stuff." She nodded and took Jamie to find Caden and explain what was happening. Bucky looked at Tony, Tony stood to his height (or near enough).

"I'll look after her." He said confidently. "Or die trying." He added afterwards. Bucky nodded. Steve took his hand.

"We'll leave in a few hours." Steve said hoarsely pulling Bucky away. Nat said still in the chair. Tony gulped, and went after Iris.

Iris had calmed the kids down and put them both in Cadens bed for a nap. She then found Tony sitting on their bed. She sat in his lap, he kissed her softly. "Let's make that T-shirt true shall we?" She mumbled.

"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded pushing him backwards.

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