15: Goodbye?

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Iris was up in two days, Steve was still weak but better. Clint went home. Tony had spent all day, and night by Iris's bed. Caden too. It was only when Iris went to have a shower and Nat came in they spoke.

"All the stuffs packed." Nat said softly. Caden nodded.

"Stuff?" Tony said with a frown. "What do you mean?" Nat sighed she put her hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Shield know it's not her, and they dont think that device existed. They think she's lying, and their going to come after Caden at some point. She thinks it's best to to leave." Tony frowned.

"Is she lying?" He asked looking at Caden. He nodded. "Why?"

"She's trying to protect me. I dont want her too, but..." Tony rubbed his head. "I don't want her to leave you, this is the happiest shes been in a long time." Caden said almost a little guilty. Iris came back out with a towel around her body. She studied the faces in the room.

"So you were just going to up and leave?" Tony said his voice wavering.

"No, but I wanted to be stronger to say goodbye." Tony let out a shaky breath. In truth he couldnt blame her. Her children came first, but he didnt want to lose her. It hurt so much. He picked up a case from beside the bed.

"I made this, it'll stop Jamie from feeling your pain." He left it on the nightstand. He stood closer to her, kissing her softly. She whimpered a little under his touch knowing this was the last time. "I love you Iris."

"I love you too Tony." And then he was gone. Nat gave her a weak smile.

"You should sooner than later." Iris nodded.

~~~~(Three months later)~~~

The sea washed against her feet. Iris stood her breaths uneven as she tried to sort through her thoughts. Leaving Tony had been hard enough, giving up the rush had been another hard thing to do. Controlling Caden, and teaching him to control had been tough. And now to add to all that, she was pregnant again. She hadnt told anyone, not even Caden.

Jamie was six now, and she missed Bucky. He'd seen her twice since they left but the second time Shield had nearly caught them. And now she was carrying Tony's child, and he didn't know. It seemed to be a recurring thing for her, to fall in love with a superhero, have their child and they leave without them knowing she was having said child. And she was sick of it. Caden could control his shockwaves, they'd worked hard and now he had a way to channel them. It hurt both him Iris a little but it was better than nothing.

When he released a shockwave, Iris absorbed and bounced the waves back at him, knocking him out cold. It was simple and effective. She wanted nothing more than to return, but she knew Shield wouldnt agree. She slowly took the com from her old suit and ran her fingers over it. She raised it to her mouth. "Tony?" She said quietly.

"Iris?" His voice came back surprised.

"I need to talk to you." She said. "Its really urgent." There was a pause. She knew if they found out he'd be in so much trouble.

"Okay." And then it clicked off. Iris waited on the beach, knowing he could track her location from the com. Her heart was pounding but she looked calm. Birds chirped above her head. The soft blast of a repulser snapped her from her daze. Tony stepped from the suit, he looked terrible. Unshaven, dark bags under his eyes.

Her heart broke as she stood to meet him, the soft blue dress blowing around her. He took her in, she was more beautiful than he remembered. "Iris.." was all he could stutter out. She smiled weakly.

"Its good to see you Tony." He smiled back, but the sadness was evident.

"How's Caden?" Tony asked eventually.

"We can control him. I absorb the shockwave and bounce it back. Knocks him out cold without damage." Tony nodded, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "We'd come back if we werent going to be killed on sight." Tony nodded.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about? Me talking to Fury?" Iris shook her head.

"No, although that would be good." Tony came closer, they were now within arms reach. "I...I have to tell you something." He nodded his eyes kind. "I'm..." she gave a slight chuckle at the ridiculousness of it. "God I'm such a slut. Tony I'm pregnant." She said looking down at the sand. His hand lifted her chin to meet his gaze. They kissed, fireworks exploding in their minds.

"I mean the three men are spread out over ninety years." He mumbled as he pulled away. She giggled, but her eyes had glazed over. "What's wrong? This," he placed his hand on her stomach. "This is great!" She smiled.

"It is, if we were together. I'm sick of being trapped, with only one choice." Tony sighed.

"I'll talk to Fury, but even if he says no. I'll leave." Iris frowned.

"What?" She asked her hands still on his shoulders, his on her waist.

"I'll leave the Avengers. Come and live with you." Iris scoffed.

"Tony...you would have to give up so much, we couldn't use your money they'd track it." Tony shrugged.

"Cash sum. And besides, Iris I don't care. These past months have been the worst time in my life and that's saying something." She stroaked his hair, she pulled his head closer to her. Their lips past over each other again. "God I love you." Tony munbled against her mouth. He felt her smile.

"I love you too." They pulled away. "Come back soon." She said as she heard Caden call her name. He smiled and kissed her again quickly, watching as she disappeared through the dunes towards the small cottage. He smirked, running his finger over his lips before returning to the suit.

"Mom!" Caden called again. She opened the door.

"Yeah?" She asked with a smile. Her body froze. Fury was sitting in her living room. Her breathing hitched. Caden's veins were pulsing. Jamie sniffed, clinging to her brothers hand. "Baby, you'll be fine." she reassured her son. Jamie ran to her, she swung her daughter to her hip. Caden came to her side, the feel of his mothers skin on his calmed his nerves slightly.

Fury stood up. He looked at the small metal circle on Iris's and Jamie's neck. "Works then? Starks tech?" Iris nodded, feeling Caden's grip tighten. She shouldnt absorb waves pregnant.

"Cut the crap Fury. Your not getting my son. Not unless you think you can kill me first." She snapped. Caden's eyes flickered, she ran her thumb over his palm.

"I'm not here for your son." Fury said quietly. "We've been watching your house for the past two months. We know you can control him." Iris frowned.

"Why didnt you attack?" She asked curiously. Nick sighed.

"The only people strong enough to take you were the Avengers. Steve and Bucky refused, Nat and Clint too. Probably could have persuaded them, and by that I mean threaten. But Tony he said that If we hurt you not only was he going to hack shield and destroy it, he'd quit the Avengers and pull all funding." Iris smirked.

"Gotta love him." Fury laughed.

"The team have been dysfunctional since you left. Steve and Bucky are depressed. Tony is a raving alcoholic and hasnt slept in weeks. Natasha is more concerned about her friends than the benefit of the world. Clint followed Natasha. I want you too come back." Iris frowned. She put Jamie on the floor and walked towards Fury.

"I want your word that my children will never be your victim, and you'll protect them with your full effort. If you dont I will personally find you, rip your throat out with my bare hands and shove it up your ass." Jamie giggled.

"Mommy's a badass." Caden giggled. Iris smiled at them. Even fury surprised a smirk.

"Threat noted. You have my word."

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