09. Daja vu

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Caden was sat on the sofa drawing the skyline from the huge window, while his mom and Jamie played on the floor with a wooden farm set. "Mom?" Caden asked as Jamie flung the cow somewhere. Iris pulled a face at the noise the wooden figure made making Jamie laugh.

"Yes baby?" She responded crawling around on her hands and knees to reclaim the animal.

"Are we staying here? Forever?" She paused handing the cow back to Jamie.

"For now yes." She replied. "Do you not want to?" Caden shrugged.

"I kinda like it here. Strangely. But I want my stuff back. From the house." Iris nodded.

"We'll get it back, I'll ask Tony if we can borrow the jet." Caden nodded.

"Mommy look the pigs having a baby!" Iris gave a short glance at her son before letting a smile break on her face continuing the game.

"Oh my! What are we going to name them?" Jamie laughed coming up with ridiculous names. Caden put his sketch pad down and sat with his sister. Making a horse whiny loudly. Jamie grinned. She got onto her hands and knees.

"I'm a horsey too!" She said. Iris laughed. "You two do it!" She said. Iris smiled coping her daughter, Caden rolled his eyes and stood up. "Ca!" Jamie said angrily sitting up right.

"Woah nice view." Tony said with a grin. Iris spun round blushing. She climbed to her feet, smoothing out the white jeans. Caden picked up Jamie.

"Why dont we go for a swim?" Jamie clapped her hands. Iris winked at Caden thankfully.

"Make sure she wear armbands." Iris warned as they left. Tony was grinning like a fool. "You seen Steve and Bucky around?" She asked as she took his offered arm. Tony shook his head. "Oh, I tried to set them up this morning. Dont know if it worked." Tony laughed.

"Most likely did if I havent seen them around. For all we know they could be getting it on." Iris smirked. Tony opened the car door for her, doing a mock bow. Iris giggled and climbed inside. Tony put the roof down and started the engine. "What music do you want?" He asked pulling out of the tower.

She thought before deciding on Blink-182 Tony nodded approvingly. The drive didnt take long but neither of them shut up, talking from favourite colours, to animals to places. To hates and food. To fears and loves. When he finally pulled up at the coast. Their voices were already a little hoarse.

"Why are we at the beach?" Iris asked. Tony took her hand and ran down onto the sand. She laughed letting him pull her along.

"Truthfully?" He asked when they slowed down. "I spoke to Caden at breakfast. He said you loved the beach." She saw the blanket. "And picnics." She smiled broadly. She flopped onto the sand, looking at the beautiful spread of food.

When she looked back at Tony he had a rose in his mouth. She snorted with laughter. Rolling onto her back she clutched her sides. Tony sat beside her handing her the rose. "Thank you." She said calming her breathing. "This is perfect tone." She said. Tony grinned, he was already eating. Iris rolled her eyes but the smile didnt leave her face.

After the lunch was finished, Tony shoved everything in the hamper. "Wanna paddle?" He asked. He was wearing shorts, but for Iris the jeans proved more difficult to roll up. Eventually she gave up and took them off standing in her pants.

"You could have told me to wear shorts." She said as they walked towards the sea. Tony smirked.

"Now where's the fun in that?" He asked with a wink. Iris sighed, but slipped her hand into his. His grip was firm but in a comfortable way. His thumb rubbing circles on her palm. The water laped at her feet. She squealed at the cold. Tony laughed. She pulled him further out so it was up to their knees.

She bend down, splashing him so his shorts were soaked. "What was that for!" He said after a squeal as the coldness hit him. She grinned.

"I didnt think it was fair." She said a mischievous glow in her eyes. Tony raised his eyes but ditched the shorts all the same. He took his T-shirt off too. Iris was caught of guard when she turned back round. Her eyes lost in his toned chest.

"Liking the view there darling." He teased. She crept forward her hand on his stomach.

"Its even more amazing to know these are...not from a bottle." She said running her hand up to the arc reactor. He shivered when she ran her hands over it. "Its beautiful Tony." She said looking up at him. He managed a small smile. She returned it and went to step backwards, slipping on something. Her arms flew into the air.

Tony's arm snuck round her waist pulling her back to him. He grinned like a child. She moved her arms around his neck. "Wow, thanks." She breathed. She was having major daja vu.

"No problem love." He said he sounded breathless too. Their faces were inches apart. His eyes dropped to her lips and then back to her face. "Are you sure you want this? I'm a lot to handl--" she cut him off pressing her lips to his. They were sweet, and surprisingly soft. He staggered backwards, crashing down into the water.

She landed ontop of him. He panted for air, she only grinned. She dug her knees either side of his chest, and bent down to kiss him again. They fought for dominance, but Tony won. A wave washed over them, suspending them underwater for a moment. When it passed, she rolled from him sitting in the wet sand. Letting the waves wash over her lap.

"Holy shit." She mumbled moving her hair from her face. Tony sat up just in time to avoid the next wave. He lifted her chin up.

"Enjoy that sweetheart?" He said his voice so low, it made her insides melt. She nodded, not trusting her voice. "Me too, I sense your different." He said kissing her nose. He stood up offering her hand. She pulled herself up and they walked back to the car. Soaking wet and cold on the outside. But warm and buzzing in the inside.


Iris and Nat were sat in the kitchen. "Doesnt sound like normal Stark." Nat laughed as Iris finished talking her what had happened. "He would have normally fucked a girl on a first date." Iris shrugged. Nat handed her a drink, she sniffed it before drowning it in one. "I think he really loves you." Nat said sipping hers.

"Really?" Iris asked meeting the assassin's eyes. Nat nodded.

"I've known Tony a long time and jve never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you. And he hasnt been as happy as be just was in years." She said truthfully. Iris smiled into the cup.

"How's Caden been?" Iris asked changing the conversation and trying to stop the blush. Nat smiled.

"Hes a great kid. Fast learner too. He really opened up to me which is good." Iris nodded smiling. Bucky walked into the kitchen. He was just in his boxers, his hair knotted and messy. Several love bites along his neck. Iris squealed.

"Did it work?" She asked running to him. He laughed nodding. She flung her arms around him. "I'm so happy for you." She mumbled as he squeezed her back. He kissed her head.

"Thank you." He whispered. He grapped some chocolate and disappeared again.

"Him and Steve?" Nat asked, Iris nodded confirming. "Always knew it." She said proudly, finishing the drink. "Shall we go find the kids?" She asked. Iris nodded. The girls walked towards the living room where voices could be heard. Clint was hiding behind a sofa, a toy gun in hand. Caden and Jamie hidden behind the chair. Caden jumped up firing. It hit Clint, he dropped to the floor faking a death.

Iris grinned. "He had kids right?" Nat nodded.

"Two, and a baby on the way." Iris sighed.

"He must miss them." She said watching as Jamie jumped on him.

"Very much." Nat said sadly.

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