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jungkook is busy typing on his laptop when his phone suddenly rang.

he got excited when he saw taehyung's name written on the caller ID since he remembered that he just finished his job interview.

he quickly clicked the recieve button, anticipating already the happiness in his friend's tone but he didn't expect to hear taehyung sniffling.


("i-i didn't get the j-job kook. th-they said that m-my designs are not e-even that good")

"what?! are they blind?!"

("th-they even t-told me that m-my drawings is n-not like the other p-professional artists")

"my god. are they even serious?! you know what?! it's just right that they didn't accept you because you don't deserve them. you deserve better!"

("c-can you please c-come here?")

"yeah yeah. i'll be on my way. i'll buy you strawberry ice cream too since that is your medicine"

("th-thank you. t-take care!")

jungkook sighed, deciding to just leave his laptop before grabbing his keys and coat, walking out from his house.


"finally jimin! you came ba- oh..." the grey haired man stopped his sentence when he saw jimin entered his office with a little girl carrying a bear, her other hand in jimin's hand.

"hey hyung" jimin greeted, closing the door of his office as he gently layed his laptop on his table, minji still following him.

"what will you say angel?" jimin asked when he carried minji, glancing at the grey haired man who still have his lips parted.

"g-goodmorning h-hyung?" minji confusedly greeted, copying what she heard from jimin a while ago before looking at her father who chuckled.

"his name is yoongi hyung, angel" jimin said and minji muttered a small 'oh' before looking back at the grey haired man.

"g-goodmorning y-yoongi hyung" minji greeted, waving her small hands.

"uh...hey. uhm, can we talk for a while jimin?" yoongi asked, looking at jimin with furrowed eyebrows.

jimin just sighed, nodding before calling someone to get minji for a while.

"goodmorning mister park. you were calling me?" the brunet asked as soon as he entered jimin's office.

"yes. could you check out minji for a while? me and yoongi just needs to talk about something" jimin said and the brunet just nodded.

"goodmorning koo-koo hyung!" minji greeted with happiness, waving her hands up on the air.

"baby, stay with koo koo hyung for a while okay? we just need to talk about something" jimin said to minji, giving a kiss on her temple before handing her to jungkook who gently grabbed minji with a smile, bowing before leaving the office.

once the door closed, jimin turned his head to yoongi who is giving him a what-the-hell-was-that-look.

"what? you told me to go back here so there" jimin said, walking around his table to sit down on his chair, leaning back on it.

"how can you work when you have your kid here?! i know she is cute but-"

"as long as i can finish my work here, i can see no problem in bringing my child" jimin boringly replied, opening his laptop to start his work.

"but- aish nevermind. i'm still new here so be thankful you have a cute daughter or i could have resigned as your new personal assistant" yoongi said, huffing as he put his arms across his chest.

jimin just shaked his head, smiling at how silly is the grey haired man is.

"but you know? you really need to look for a babysitter asap. it's not that easy as you think to work and take care of your child at the same time. where's your wife anyway? shouldn't she be the one who is taking care of your kid?" yoongi asked.

"i don't know her" jimin seriously said, still typing on his laptop with furrowed eyebrows.

"what? you don't know your wife? how co- oh. i get it" yoongi stopped mid-sentence when he saw the expression of jimin's face.

"well it's not my right to ask you that but i hope you take my suggestion to look for a babysitter" yoongi said, walking away.

meanwhile at the other side of the door, jungkook was standing there with minji still in his arms.

it was not his intention to listen on what they are talking about but when he heard the word "babysitter", taehyung quickly entered his mind.

he remembered the look on taehyung's face when he visited him after that shitty job interview, the curly haired boy with puffy eyes and papers in his hands.

"kook p-please help me l-look for a j-job!"

he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door knob turning around, panicking.

he was clearly out of his mind when he just decided to stare at the door knob before the door opened just to see a confused yoongi.

"what the hell are you doing?" yoongi asked.

"u-uh i was just...i-inspecting the doorknob! yeah! because i thought it was really dirty and minji just touched it with her hands so i thought she got germs in her hands and i know how protective mister park is so i would be dead if she touched just one germ and-"

"okay okay. stop rambling. i get it. just go back to your work" yoongi annoyingly replied before walking away.

jungkook sighed in relief, looking at the kid in his arms who is looking at him with a confused face.

he then went back to his table, deciding to just tell taehyung on what he heard later because he still needs to check on his boss' daughter.

another update u guys!!! hope u like it!!! ☺️

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