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a few days after taehyung got sick, jimin went back to work, leaving the two in the house.

as they were eating lunch, they were startled when they heard the doorbell.

taehyung curiously stood up, going to the gate to check who is it only to be surprised when he saw jimin.

"j-jimin?" taehyung called out.

"hey. just finished work" jimin replied before going inside, taehyung following him.

"daddy?! you're home early!" minji happily said, opening her arms and jimin carried her, kissing her cheeks.

"i finished all the work because we're going to the mall to buy you new toys and clothes" jimin said and minji looked at her with excitement in her eyes.

"really?! yay!" minji exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"taetae! let's finish our food so that we can go!" minji said to the curly haired boy who is watching them with a smile on his face, nodding to minji's sentence.

when they are done, taehyung changed his clothes while jimin changed minji.

as soon as they are done, jimin carried minji and taehyung carried yeontan, heading to the car and driving to the mall.

when they arrived, jimin looked for a parking space, successfully finding one.

they went inside the mall, minji walking with her hands holding jimin and taehyung's hands on each side.

"daddy! let's go to the toy store!" minji said, looking up at jimin who nodded at her.

they went to the toy store, minji letting go to run towards the toys that caught her attention.

"do you also want me to buy you a toy?" jimin asked, looking at taehyung who is glaring at him.

jimin just chuckled, covering taehyung's eyes.

"don't look at me like that. it doesn't look good" jimin teased, smirking.

taehyung removed jimin's hand, still glaring at jimin who is now laughing.

"stop laughing" taehyung whined, pouting.

"why? you look cute" jimin said and taehyung just looked away, blushing.

"daddy! i want this one!" minji said, running to jimin and taehyung, interrupting the two.

"okay angel. let's go pay for it" jimin said, carrying minji and walking towards the counter.

after that, they continued walking around the mall, taehyung trying to look for something that is interesting.

finally, he stopped infront of the gucci store, a shirt catching his attention.

he didn't even notice that jimin continued walking, just staring at the shirt with amazement.

meanwhile, jimin noticed that there's no curly haired boy following them, looking back to see taehyung infront of a shop.

he quickly walked back, also looking at what taehyung is looking before talking.

"why don't we buy that" jimin said, walking ahead and making taehyung startle.

"w-what? jimin, let's go" taehyung whispered when he followed jimin inside, pulling on his sleeve.

"go ahead and get the shirt you are looking at" jimin said and taehyung sighed before walking towards the shirt, looking at the tag.

1,000,000 won?! this is so expensive!

"jimin, this is too expen-" taehyung whispered but was interrupted when jimin grabbed the shirt from him and putting it on the counter.

once he was done paying, he handed the paper bag to taehyung who is trying to stop his smile.

"just smile. i know you're happy" jimin said when they got out, smiling.

taehyung just shaked his head, already smiling before walking beside jimin.

"thank you" taehyung said, looking at jimin.

"let's go eat. i'm hungry" jimin said and the two shouted a 'yay' making him smile.

jimin decided to bring them in a restaurant, ordering different meals for them since they have different orders.

yeontan was sleeping on the chair beside taehyung, tired from all the walking.

"jimin, i'll repay you whe-"

"you don't have to. that's my gift for you" jimin said and taehyung turned red, muttering a 'thank you'.

their food came and they started to eat.

taehyung chewed his food with puffed cheeks, his lips turned into pout and jimin can't help but to smile.

"do you eat like that?" jimin asked and the curly haired boy nodded, still chewing.

jimin muttered a 'cute' but taehyung didn't heard it, just focusing on his food.

"taetae! try this one! it's yummy!" minji said, feeding taehyung with her fries.

"mmm! it's really yummy!" taehyung replied.

"you also try it daddy!" minji said, now feeding jimin.

"it's good. eat all of it angel okay?" jimin said and the girl nodded, continuing on her food.

jimin then noticed taehyung who is looking at his food with curiosity, deciding to tease him.

"do you also want to try?" jimin asked the curly haired boy, smirking.

"n-no" taehyung stuttered out, pouting.

taehyung was surprised to see a spoon with food infront of him, looking up to see jimin looking at him.

"try it. it's delicious" jimin said and taehyung mumbled a 'fine' in defeat, opening his mouth.

jimin just chuckled, smiling and the three of them ate happily.

sorry for the late update but here u go! hope u like it! ❤️

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