Bonus Chapter #2: Park Taehyung

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"wow! mommy taetae! you're so pretty!" minji shouted with amazement when taehyung arrived the church, his flushed face hidden under his veil.

"thank you baby. you're also pretty" taehyung replied and minji giggled before looking back infront.

jimin was already at the altar, waiting for taehyung to walk in as he watch his friends with some girls walking infront.

jimin smiled at them, smiling more wide when he saw his daughter starting to walk and throwing some flower petals on the red carpet.

in the middle of her walk, he looked at jimin, waving her little hand and smiling.

jimin waved back, watching as minji went back to throwing some flower petals.

when minji reached the end, she walked to jimin instead of going to the chair where the other flowergirls are.

"you're so pretty angel" jimin said, looking down at his daughter while minji looked up at him, still smiling and holding jimin's hand.

"thank you daddy but mommy taetae is more pretty so be ready daddy" minji said and jimin just chuckled at this, booping minji's nose before looking at the door.

the door opened and it reveal taehyung under a veil, wearing all white and holding a boquet of flowers.

jimin can't help but to fall inlove more, just looking at taehyung with a smile as the curly haired boy slowly walked towards the altar.

everybody watched it, some of them are even recording it, smiling.

mrs. kim is waiting at the middle, smiling and crying as she watches her son.

"mom, why are you crying?" taehyung worriedly asked when he reached his mom, the woman shaking her head.

"i just can't believe that my baby is a grown up now and will be getting married" mrs. kim said and taehyung can't help but to smile and cry too, containing them since he doesn't want jimin to worry.

the two started to walk, taehyung smiling more when he saw jimin waiting at the altar with a smile and minji beside him.

once they reached the end, jimin quickly bowed to mrs. kim, the woman bowing back.

"take care of my son jimin okay?" mrs. kim said, trying not to cry again.

"i promise mom" jimin replied, smiling.

"i'll give you daddy now mommy taetae. you also take care of him okay?" minji said, handing taehyung the hand of jimin that she was holding.

"thank you baby" taehyung replied before looking at jimin.

"shall we go now princess?" jimin asked, holding his hand out for taehyung to take.

taehyung just giggled, nodding as he let jimin pull him infront of the priest.

the ceremony started as the audience and the couple silently listened to the priest.


"park jimin, do you take kim taehyung, for your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" the priest asked, looking at jimin.

jimin just stared at taehyung, smiling before talking.

"i do" jimin replied.

"kim taehyung, do you take park
jimin, for your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?" the priest asked again, turning now to taehyung.

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