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"daddy! mommy taetae! i'm just going to play with tannie for a while" minji said, standing up and waiting for their response.

"okay angel. take care okay?" jimin said and minji nodded happily before running to the grass with yeontan running beside her.

"enjoy!" taehyung shouted as he watched the little girl run.

"wait for me minji!" jungkook shouted, also standing up and running after the kid and the dog.

"hobi don't. i'm sleepy" yoongi groaned, staying still as hoseok tried to pull him, pouting.

"come on. how come you are sleepy when you just woke up? let's play with them!" hoseok said, pouting more and looking at yoongi with puppy eyes.

yoongi sighed, about to say no again but the look hoseok is giving him isn't helping.

"fine" yoongi mumbled as hoseok jumped in excitement, pulling yoongi to stand up before running.

"jin stop eating! eat later. let's have fun" namjoon said, pulling jin who is munching on a chicken, the older rolling his eyes at him before standing up, running with namjoon with a chicken in his hand.

taehyung giggled at his friend's silliness while jimin shaked his head, can't believe he have some friends like them.

he then turned his head at taehyung, watching how the wind blows taehyung hair and how beautiful his smile is.

taehyung also turned his head at jimin, blushing when he caught him staring at him.

"i-is there something on my face?" taehyung shyly asked, putting his hand up to touch his face.

"no. you just look lovely" jimin replied, smiling and making taehyung red more.

jimin chuckled at this, pulling taehyung to sit infront of him.

taehyung leaned back on jimin's chest as the older caged taehyung between his legs, wrapping his arms around his waist and putting his chin on taehyung's head.

"this is better" jimin mumbled and taehyung just giggled, pulling one of jimin's hand from his waist to play with his fingers.

"jimin..." taehyung called out and jimin hummed in response.

"i want to say thank you for everything" taehyung continued, looking down at their hands.

"what did i do?" jimin asked.

"many! you accepted me as minji's babysitter during the time that i was desperate for a job. you paid me more than what i need and you also saved me from being kidnapped. lastly, you...uhm..." taehyung doesn't know if he should tell the last one, getting shy and red.

"i what?" jimin asked, teasing taehyung with a smirk.

"you...uhm...you know...b-boyf-" taehyung stuttered out but was quickly interrupted by jimin.

"you are thanking me because i loved you back?" jimin asked again and taehyung just nodded, pouting.

"why won't i? a person like you deserves to be loved especially by me" jimin replied, pressing a kiss on taehyung's head.

"what do you think happened to hyeji and baekhyun now?" taehyung suddenly asked, remembering his traumatic experience.

"they will surely rot in jail" jimin answered, earning a smack from taehyung.

"what? they deserve it. actually that's not yet enough for everything that they did to you and minji" jimin said.

when taehyung was still in the hospital, the police officers went there to ask some questions from taehyung about what happened.

Babysitter || p.jm, k.thWhere stories live. Discover now