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taehyung slowly opened his eyes, whining when he felt the sunlight hit his eyes.

he slowly stretched his arms before looking for his phone.

he opened it and was surprised to see five missed calls from jungkook and a message from an art company.

he decided to read the message first and he was hurt when he read it.

from 987-6543:
Goodmorning Mr. Kim! This is The Painting Company! We are sorry to tell you that you did not qualify for our company. It will be great to have you here but you did not meet the standards that we are looking for. If you want, there are more art companies here in Seoul. Again, we are sorry and thank you.

taehyung immediately closed the app, turning his phone off as he stared at his paintings hung on the wall.

painting is my passion...how come i can't get a job?

he thought as he sniffled, feeling tears falling down from his eyes.

he was surprised to hear his phone ringing just to see jungkook's name on the caller ID.


("hey hyung. did i wake you up?")

"n-no. i-i was awake few m-minutes ago"

("are you crying again?")

"the o-other company that i a-applied to also r-rejected me"

("i'm sorry to hear that hyung but don't cry over them. they don't deserve you. you are the best painter i've ever seen. they are just blind")

"b-but maybe i'm r-really not that g-good?"

("no no no hyung. you are the best. most best than the other artists out there. you're bester than van gogh!")

"it would be also better if you used the correct words. it's best jungkook and it's better. and don't you dare put my inspiration van gogh here idiot!"

("but that's all the words i can think of to make you better")

"i don't even know why you got a job in a business company yet you can't correct your grammar"

("yah! i was comforting you and yet you are insulting me")

"i don't know about you jungkook. why did you call anyway?"

("oh yeah! uhm, well since you just got rejected-")

"yes don't remind me that or i might cry again"

("no wait hyung. i called you because i want to help you. my boss have a child and uh...he's a single dad. he works in his house because he can't leave his daughter there but yoongi hyung- his personal assistant told him to go back so he did but he brought his child because i already told you, he can't leave his daughter alone in his house. she's just five years old. but then again, his personal assistant told him to look for a babysitter because it's not easy to work and taking care of a child at the same time")

"okay okay. stop rambling. anyways, why can't he just leave his daughter to his wife? isn't it that moms should be the one taking care of a child?"

("aish hyung. you're not listening. he is a single dad. his wife left them")

"oh. then why are you telling me this?"

("you're so stupid. i told you because you are looking for a job and my boss is looking for a babysitter? like hello? be the babysitter?")

"what?! jungkook, i was asking you to help me look for a job that is related in painting. what will i even get from babysitting?"

("you can take care of a child. you love kids right? my boss here owns this company so i know he will pay you more than he pays us")

"i'm not after the money kook. i want to achieve my passion"

("but hyung, how will you live if you will stay jobless? you told me that your mom will leave you to work in america. now you're going to live alone")

"... fine. but if i don't see this working, i'm resigning"

("yay! okay! i'll send you some pics of the child and i'll give you the number of my boss. i'll just go ask him. see you soon hyung! take care!")

taehyung sighed after the call, rethinking of his decision.

babysitting? maybe that would be fine i guess?

kook is right. i need to have a job to live.

he slowly sat up, stretching his arms again before standing up and starting his day.


jimin was busy typing on his laptop when he heard a knock on his door.

"come in" he shouted, looking at the door to see jungkook carrying a sleeping minji.

"goodafternoon mister park. can i talk to you for a minute?" jungkook asked, silently approaching jimin to not wake minji.

"go ahead" jimin said, focused on his laptop.

"i didn't mean to hear your conversation a while ago but i heard that you are looking for a babysitter. i decided to help you since i have a friend of mine who is looking for a job. i promise he is a good person to kids. he loves taking care of children and he would love to take care of your child" jungkook explained, smiling.

jimin then looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, slowly and gently grabbing minji back.

"i don't think it's right to listen to other people's conversation but since you are helping me and your friend, i'll forgive you" jimin seriously said and jungkook nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

"give me the number of your friend and i'll see if i'll get him to babysit my daughter" jimin said and jungkook nodded before writing down on a piece of paper, handing it to jimin.

"here you go sir. thank you so much" jungkook said, bowing before leaving the office.

jimin slowly grabbed the piece of paper, reading it.

kim taehyung

so i hope u like this hehe ☺️

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