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"taetae will be living here?!" minji asked loudly, excited eyes and big smile forming.

"yes angel" jimin replied, fixing their things in his room.

"really?! yay! yay! yay!" minji happily said, jumping up and down.

when jimin was done fixing their things, he carried minji who is still running around and jumping.

"let's go cook angel" jimin said and the girl nodded, letting jimin take her to the kitchen.

jimin grabbed their aprons, putting the little one on minji as they started to prepared the ingredients.

just in time, taehyung went out, curiously walking in the kitchen to look at what jimin and minji is doing.

"what are you cooking?" taehyung asked, eyeing the pan.

"grilled fish steak with vegetables" jimin answered, still focused on cooking while minji is busy doing (playing) with the vegetables.

"oh that smells nice" taehyung excitedly said, eyeing the pan.

"do you want to taste it?" jimin asked, looking at taehyung who also looked at him.

"if it's okay with you" taehyung replied but he's already opening his mouth.

jimin just smiled, slicing a little bit from the fish that he finished cooking before putting it in taehyung's mouth.

taehyung chewed happily, putting his thumbs up.

"it's yummy" taehyung said, shaking his head slowly while chewing with his eyes closed.

taehyung then approached minji who is busy with the vegetables.

"hey minji. you know how to do that?" taehyung asked.

"yes taetae! can you please help me?" minji asked, handing taehyung the vegetables.

"okay baby since you look like you're struggling. it's like this" taehyung said, showing minji how to do it.

"oh really? i want to try!" minji said, grabbing another vegetable and copying what taehyung did.

as soon as the two are done with the vegetables, minji went down on her chair with a plate of vegetables in her hand, walking to jimin.

"daddy! me and taetae made the vegetables for you!" minji happily said, handing jimin the plate.

"thank you angel" jimin said, grabbing the plate from minji and ruffling her hair.

as soon as jimin is done, taehyung decided to help jimin in preparing the plates.

"daddy! eat! eat! eat!" minji excitedly said, her spoon and fork in her hands.

"here you go angel" jimin said, putting the plate infront of minji who eyed the food with happy eyes before starting to eat.

"and for you" jimin mumbled, putting the other plate infront of taehyung.

"t-thank you" taehyung stuttered out, blushing as he started to eat.

"oh daddy? we have the same bracelet?" minji asked when she saw the bracelet made out of shell on jimin's wrist.

"oh yes angel. taehyung gave it" jimin said like it's nothing while taehyung is turning red, blushing more when minji looked at her with a teasing smile.

oh my god, this kid knows everything.


"appa! can we watch a scary movie? please?" minji asked with puppy eyes.

it was already seven in the evening and minji wants to enjoy taehyung living there.

"okay baby. we'll watch" jimin said, preparing the tv.

"taetae! we'll be watching scary movie! please come here!" minji shouted to taehyung who is in the kitchen preparing popcorn since he heard that they'll watch a movie.

when he was done, he quickly went to the living room, turning off the lights and he yelped when there was also no lights in the living room except for the tv.

"here's the popcorn" taehyung mumbled, putting the bowl of popcorn on the table before sitting beside jimin but moving a little bit farther since he's still shy.

the movie already started and taehyung wished that minji could have just picked comedy. he gets scared easily and he doesn't know if he can watch.

everytime he watches a horror movie, jungkook is always there with him and he always clings onto him.

there was a time when there is a jumpscare, he jumped and the bowl of popcorn flew, clinging onto jungkook's arm and hiding his face in his neck.

when he pulled back, he saw jungkook full of popcorn, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

as they are watching, taehyung grabbed a pillow to cover his face.

he doesn't like to embarass again himself infront of jimin.

the first jumpscare was a little bit scary making taehyung pull the pillow infront of his face.

it was already the last scene of the movie and taehyung thought that it's done when suddenly, someone jumpscared making him shout and jump onto the person next to him.

"turn that off please!" taehyung mumbled, hiding his face in jimin's neck.

jimin was startled, even minji.

they didn't expect for taehyung to jump on jimin's lap, fisting jimin's shirt and hiding his face in his neck, begging for jimin to turn the movie off.

"angel, it's done. i'll turn it off now okay?" jimin said to minji who smiled, giggling.

"okay! taetae is really scared" minji said, still giggling.

"hey. it's gone. it's okay" jimin whispered, hesitantly putting his hand on taehyung's head, ruffling his hair while the other one rubbed his back.

when taehyung calmed down, he slowly pulled away, looking at jimin who is also looking at him.

he then widen his eyes, realizing what just happened as he looked at their position.

"i-i'm sorry!" taehyung stuttered out, blushing before getting out of jimin's lap, running in his room.

here's an update! do u think it's lame? :(( hope u like it ❤️

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