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"taehyung, i noticed that you are not drinking. are you shy?" jin asked, looking at the curly haired boy who smiled softly and shaked his head.

"i'm a lightweight and i don't like the taste of beer" taehyung shyly answered.

"oh. well you can drink some juice so that you can still be with us" jin suggested.

"i'll just go and get some" taehyung said, about to stand up when a hand stopped him.

"what flavor?" jimin asked, looking at taehyung.

"uhm, mango please" taehyung replied and the older nodded before standing up and heading in the kitchen.

while jimin is gone, taehyung looked at jungkook who is smirking and shaking his head.

the curly haired boy glared at him, kicking his legs making the younger flinch and shout an 'ow!'.

"are you okay jungkook?" namjoon asked, looking at the boy who has his eyes closed, rubbing his sore leg.

"y-yeah. i just hit my leg on the table" jungkook replied, lying since the look taehyung is giving him is scary.

jimin soon came back with a glass of mango juice in his hand, sitting down beside taehyung and handing him the juice.

"thank you" taehyung muttered, taking a sip on his mango juice.

"welcome" jimin replied, smiling.

"so taehyung. what do you do besides babysitting?" jin asked, curious about the curly haired boy.

"i love to paint and take some photos" taehyung replied, smiling back.

"really? i also love taking photos of myself! here. look at them!" hoseok said cheerfully, bringing out his phone to show taehyung his selfies.

the younger smiled upon seeing hoseok's pictures, cooing at the heart-shaped smile.

"your smile is cute! it's heart-shaped!" taehyung said, smiling.

"i know right! your smile is also cute, box-shaped!" hoseok said and the other boys agreed while jimin looked at taehyung smiling, agreeing that he indeed has a box-shaped smile making him more cute.

"taetae! taetae! jihye gave me a panda stuff toy!" a voice of a little kid shouted, running to taehyung with the stuff toy in her arms.

"wow! that's cute!" taehyung said, carrying the girl and putting her on his lap.

"can i see angel?" jimin interrupted, getting closer to minji and putting his arm behind taehyung's chair.

"it's so cute appa!" minji said, showing the stuff toy.

meanwhile, the other boys watched the interaction of the three, jungkook deciding to tease taehyung again.

"they're so cute! they look like a family right?" jungkook said and the other boys looked at jungkook before looking back at the three, agreeing.

"we are a family! daddy jimin is my daddy and taetae is my mommy!" minji said making taehyung red, not looking up to hide his cheeks.

the other boys cooed, smiling while jungkook smiled bigger at them, enjoying what is happening.

"silly girl" jimin mumbled, ruffling minji's hair.

"can you tell us more about your family minji?" namjoon said and the girl nodded before talking again.

"we went to jeju island on daddy's birthday! we swimmed at the beach and made some sand castles! we also played with kites and ran along the shore!" minji said and the boys just listened, smiling and enjoying.

"oh! did you know? appa and taetae kissed in the beach!" minji shouted making all of them widen their eyes.

"m-minji! t-that was an accident!" taehyung stuttered out but the girl just giggled.

"minji! come on! we're playing hide and seek!" some kid shouted making minji turn her head.

"oh wait for me!" minji shouted as she went down with taehyung's help before running away.

when minji is gone, taehyung didn't dare to lift his head, embarassed.

"you two...kissed?" jin asked, pointing at the two.

jimin looked at taehyung who has his head lowered, finding it cute before looking back to his friends, smiling.

"yeah. that's what married couples do" jimin said and jungkook spat his drink to taehyung.

"ew kook!" taehyung whined, wiping his face with his hand.

"i-i'm sorry!" jungkook apologized while the other laughed.

"wipe it with tissue pabo" jimin said, grabbing a tissue before turning taehyung's head by cupping his cheek, wiping his face.

taehyung scrunched his nose, pouting as he let jimin wipe his face.

jimin just continued on what he is doing, staring at taehyung's face again before he looked directly at taehyung's eyes.


sorry again for the late update but here u go! hope u like it! ❤️

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