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"just a little but more!" taehyung happily said, clapping with a paintbrush in his hand.

he was painting again since that's all what he do when he's bored.

he was then surprised to hear his phone, notifying him that someone messaged him.

"oh?" he was confused when he saw an unknown number on his phone.

from 101-9953:
Goodevening. Is this Kim Taehyung?

is this the one jungkook is talking about?

before he replied to the unknown number, he decided to text jungkook first because he might not know if the person texting him is a scam or a kidnapper.

to kook :
hey kook! 👋🏻 an unknown number messaged me- 101-9953. is this the boss you are talking about? 😯

from kook :
yes!!! pls reply to him asap. he's a little bit mean.

to kook :
oh, you're bad 😔 okay! thank u! 💓

taehyung thought of what to reply for a few minutes before settling with a reply that he thinks is a decent one.

to 101-9953:
Goodevening too. Yes, I am Kim Taehyung! 😊

from 101-9953:
Hello. I am Park Jimin and Jungkook, my sercretary recommended you to be a babysitter to my daughter. I expect you to be here tomorrow at exactly 6:00 in the morning. I don't want late people.

to 101-9953:
Okay sir! Thank you so much! ☺️
seen 6:45 pm

jungkook's right, he is really mean and cold

taehyung thought as he locked his phone, finishing his painting.

"tada!" taehyung squealed happily, raising his painting up to admire his artwork.

he hung it on his wall, smiling before going towards his closet to look for some clothes that he will be wearing tomorrow.

he already saw how the kid looks and he admits, she is so cute.

he got excited after seeing that, expecting his babysitting to be fun and fluffy.

"arf!" he jumped in surprise to hear his dog, yeontan barking at him.

"hey tannie! look who already got a job! it's me!" taehyung happily said as he kneeled down infront of his dog, petting his head.

yeontan then jumped on him, licking his face making taehyung giggle.


"i'm going to have a babysitter tomorrow?" minji asked with puppy eyes, looking up at jimin who is typing on his laptop.

she was sitted on his lap, watching what jimin is doing with teddy bear in her tiny arms.

"yes angel. i really don't want to look for someone but the company needs me. i'm so sorry" jimin sadly said, looking down at his daughter.

Babysitter || p.jm, k.thWhere stories live. Discover now