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"what are we going to do jimin?" yoongi asked jimin who has his eyebrows furrowed, crumpling the paper with hyeji's note.

"i need to go there. i need to save my two babies" jimin seriously said, about to walk to his car again when hoseok stopped him.

"jimin don't. what if something happens to you too? we should come with you as well as the police" hoseok said, worried about his friend.

"but hyung. hyeji told me not to bring someone with me. what if something worse will happen if i bring you all?!" jimin worriedly asked back, ruffling his hair.

"let's think of a plan first before you go jimin" hoseok said and as jimin wants so bad to just go there, he also thought that something could happen if he will go alone.

"what if you go there alone jimin then you call us if something happens? like back-up you know?" namjoon suggested, the others agreeing with him.

"i'll go with you hyung" jungkook volunteered, walking to jimin.

"okay. we'll go now hyungs. jungkook will call you if something happens" jimin said before walking ahead, the younger following him.

"take care you two!" jin shouted before looking at the other boys with worry.


"that's enough boys. let's leave him" baekhyun said, looking at taehyung who is now full of bruises and hickeys, his cheeks and mouth bleeding from the punches he received.

his neck is now full of hickeys, even his chest while his arms, legs and stomach are full of bruises from the kicks he received.

the three boys stood up, following baekhyun who walked out of the room, closing the door and leaving taehyung in the dark room.

taehyung started to cry, sobbing and whining as he feels pain all over his body.

i just want this to stop...

taehyung thought, the tears falling from his eyes and he still can't see anything so he decided to just sleep, wishing for everything to finish.


jimin and jungkook now arrived at the address hyeji gave them, parking a little bit far away from the location.

"you stay here okay? then call the hyungs if something happens" jimin said, removing his seatbelt.

"okay hyung. take care" jungkook replied as jimin got out from the car, walking to the abandoned building.

when he got there, he started looking for hyeji, roaming his eyes around until he saw a figure.

"well well well...my husband is now here" hyeji said, her arms across her chest as she looked at jimin with a smirk.

"where is taehyung and my daughter?!" jimin angrily asked, walking faster to hyeji but he was stopped by some boys.

"chill hon. they are here but first, let me greet you with a kiss" hyeji said before approaching jimin.

the woman was about to kiss jimin on the lips but the man backed away, glaring at hyeji.

"oh come on hon. we used to do that in the past and besides, your boyfriend is not here to see it" hyeji said, pulling jimin by his collar and kissing his lips.

jimin didn't kiss back, letting hyeji do what she wants to do before the woman pulled away, smirking.

"before i show you them, i want to introduce first my boyfriend who helped me with this" hyeji said, walking away and smiling cheekily before going back to her place and quickly calling for her boyfriend.

baekhyun then walked in making jimin's eyes wide, confused.

"baekhyun?" jimin called out, confused and shocked at the same time.

"hey jimin...or should i say mister park" baekhyun called back with a smirk, wrapping his arm around hyeji's waist.

jimin just stared at them for a few seconds before deciding to talk.

"look. i don't care if you two are together or what. i want my two babies back!" jimin shouted.

"so impatient. fine. babe, tell the boys to bring them out" hyeji mumbled, looking at baekhyun who nodded, calling the other boys and telling them to bring the two out.

one of the boys came in with minji in his arms, the girl shouting to the boy to let her go.

"angel?!" jimin called out, his eyes wide as he was about to approach minji but the boys stopped him again.

"d-daddy?! please help us daddy!" minji shouted, crying and sobbing.

"shut up kid" the boy who was holding her a while ago said, covering minji's mouth.

"don't you dare touch her!" jimin shouted angrily, his eyebrows furrowed.

another boy came in, carrying taehyung and dropping him on the floor like he is just a bag.

jimin's heart broke more to see taehyung full of bruises, the curly haired boy coughing and crying as he tried to hold on to something.

"what have you done to them?!"

Babysitter || p.jm, k.thWhere stories live. Discover now