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the next day, taehyung slowly opened his eyes, trying to look around his surroundings just to see that it's not his usual white ceiling.

he got confused when he saw a sky blue ceiling with a fan turning around.

he then looked beside him just to see a little girl sleeping and realization hits him.

oh, mister park went home late last night so i fell asleep

he slowly sat up, careful to not wake the girl up as he steps out of the bed and quietly walking out of the room.

he quietly closed the door, sighing before turning around but he regretted it.

his eyes widened as he looked at jimin who walked out of his room, still sleepy with his sweatpants but he is not wearing any shirt on.

taehyung quickly blushed, gulping as he continued to stare.

"is this your first time to see a body?" jimin suddenly asked making taehyung to blink and turn red even more when he realized that jimin saw him staring.

"u-uh no. i'm s-sorry sir" taehyung stuttered out, bowing.

why does this keep happening to me?

"anyways, prepare yourself and minji. it's her playtime day. i'll drive you to the park later" jimin said as he went back to his room to prepare for his work.

taehyung then just nodded before walking towards the kitchen to cook breakfast.


"playtime! playtime! playtime!" minji happily cheered while taehyung put her clothes on her.

"are you excited sweetie?" taehyung asked, tying minji's hair.

"yes! i get to spend with you, papa and new friends!" minji replied, clapping.

"are you two done?" a voice from the other side of the door asked.

"yes daddy!" minji shouted, running out of the door, pulling taehyung with her.

"you're so pretty angel" jimin said as he carried minji, walking ahead while taehyung followed behind them.

while on the road, jimin decided to open the radio so that their car ride isn't boring.

he was then surprised when he heard minji singing to the song.

"see the line where the sky meets the sea? it calls me!" minji sang looking at taehyung who is smiling at her.

"and no one knows! how far it goes!" taehyung also sang, the two giggling.

the car ride was full of laughters and giggles as the two sang while jimin just listened to them, smiling sometime.

when they reached the park, minji got more excited, itching to get out of the car already.

"papa! taetae! let's go!" minji shouted, bouncing.

"taehyung will go with you angel. i need to go to work. you take care of yourself okay? enjoy and have fun" jimin said, kissing minji's forehead.

"y-you're not coming with us?" minji asked, pouting.

"no, i'm sorry baby. i'll go with you next time okay?" jimin reassured, smiling but he frowned when he saw tears starting to form in his daughter's eyes.

"i wanna have playtime with you and taetae!" minji sobbed, rubbing her eyes with her fist.

jimin sighed, gently pulling minji's fist away from her eyes before wiping her tears with his thumb.

"i-i just wanna p-play with a complete f-family" minji said through her sobs, tears still falling out from her eyes.

jimin felt hurt when he heard that, still wiping the tears before slowly looking at taehyung who is giving him a begging look.

"okay baby. stop cyring. i will play with you" jimin said, kissing minji's tears.

"p-promise?" minji asked, looking up.

"i promise" jimin said and the girl quickly jumped in his arms, kissing jimin's cheeks.

"let's go taetae!" minji happily said when they got out of the car.

taehyung just nodded, smiling before following jimin with minji in his arms.

when they got in the middle of the park, jimin carefully put her down before minji ran, going towards the group of kids.

jimin just watched her, smiling as he put his hands in his pocket.

he then looked beside him to see taehyung also watching minji with a smile on his face.

"do you want to sit for a while?" jimin asked making taehyung to turn his head.

"u-uhm sure" taehyung replied, about to sit down on the grass under the tree when jimin stopped him.

"it's dirty. hold on" jimin said as he removed his coat before putting it on the grass.

"oh. t-thank you" taehyung shyly replied before sitting down on it.

jimin then sat beside him, removing his tie and folding his sleeves up to his elbow.

"did your parents looked for you yesterday?" jimin asked, breaking the awkwardness.

"uh no. i told them that i won't be going home" taehyung answered.

"that's good. sorry for bothering you. i just really need to attend that business dinner" jimin apologized.

"i told you it's okay. you can just tell me anytime because it's part of my work" taehyung said, looking at jimin and smiling.

"is babysitting your first option as a job?"

here's another update! hope u like it! ❤️

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