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after the new year celebration, jimin and taehyung happily continued their lives as a couple, together with minji.

minji already started to call taehyung her mom, always asking jimin if when is the wedding and the two will just shaked their heads at the silliness of their daughter.

they even asked jungkook to take a family picture during the new year, the younger groaning but still doing it since they are his friends and they are like a family to him.

they also took a group picture, jimin's friends standing behind the couple as minji still stayed in between jimin and taehyung, forming a heart shape with her hand.

they placed the tripod with a camera infront of them as jungkook set the timer, the others preparing for their pose.

"here we go!" jungkook shouted, clicking the shutter button before running between jin and yoongi as they wait for the timer.

"cheese!" they all shouted before the camera flashed, the picture full of smiles.

during the valentines, jimin decided to bring taehyung and minji to a restaurant to celebrate it.

he asked for a reservation and he also bought chocolates and flowers for the two.

when he saw taehyung and minji entering the restaurant, he smiled when he saw the two being amazed at the venue which is full of candles and petals.

"daddy!" minji called out, waving her hand to jimin who also waved back.

"what's this?" taehyung asked when he got closer to jimin, looking at his eyes.

"happy valentines" jimin said, kissing taehyung's cheek before turning to minji and also kissing her cheek.

"happy valentines baby" jimin said making the girl giggle.

"let's sit down" jimin said, helping the two to sit on their chairs.

they spend their valentine's day with foods and drinks, jimin slow dancing with minji as taehyung watched them with a smile.

after a few minutes, minji gave jimin to taehyung, telling them that they should dance too as the two just chuckled, kissing minji at her cheeks.

taehyung admits, he never felt so happy to have a boyfriend and a daughter who he loves so much.

it was already may and taehyung already woke up, quietly getting out of bed so that he won't wake up jimin.

when he got out of the room, he decided to cook breakfast for the three of them, walking around the kitchen to grab the ingredients and things that he needs.

he decided to cook pancakes, cracking the eggs and mixing it before putting the pancake mix.

when he was done, he started to pour the batter on the pan, waiting for it to be cooked before he can flip it.

as he was waiting, he felt two strong arms wrapped around his waist and a breath that is tickling his neck.

"jiminie! stop it tickles!" taehyung giggled.

"you left me" jimin mumbled and taehyung can feel that jimin is pouting.

"i wanted to cook you breakfast pabo" taehyung replied, flipping the pancake.

"i missed you" jimin whispered again.

"i was just gone for like a few minutes. i didn't even leave the house" taehyung said, shaking his head.

jimin just tightened his grip around taehyung in response, closing his eyes as he inhaled taehyung's scent.

"jimin i told you to stop! it tickles!" taehyung said, turning around and cupping jimin's face.

"where's my morning kiss?" jimin asked.

"go brush your teeth first" taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

he quickly blushed when jimin kissed his lips, the older smirking when he pulled away.

"you don't get to tell me what to do" jimin said, chuckling before kissing taehyung's lips again.

"s-stop it" taehyung stuttered out, turning more red.

"you like it" jimin replied, smiling.

taehyung just turned around again, finishing the pancakes and smacking jimin's arm when one of the pancakes are burnt.

"this is your fault!" taehyung shouted when he put the plate of pancakes on the table.

"it's yours" jimin replied, laughing.

"that's why i don't trust you in the kitchen while i'm cooking" taehyung said, pouting and putting his arms across his chest, his eyebrows furrowed.

"oh come on baby. don't be like that" jimin said, approaching taehyung and wrapping his arms around him.

taehyung tried to get off, still mad at jimin but the older is just so strong.

"i'm sorry okay?" jimin apologized.

taehyung still ignored jimin, looking away until a voice interrupted them.

"goodmorning daddy! goodmorning mommy!" minji happily said, running towards the two.

taehyung carried her, kissing her cheek and smiling before replying.

"goodmorning sweetcheeks. did you have a good sleep?" taehyung asked, sitting down.

jimin just watched them with a smile, sitting down beside them.

"yes mommy! did you cook pancakes? wow! it smells good!" minji happily said, looking at the pancakes.

"yes but the other one is burnt and we will give it to daddy since it's his fault for burning it" taehyung said, putting a pancake on minji's plate.

"hey. i already said sorry" jimin interrupted, pouting.

minji giggled at this, finding it funny.

"mommy, forgive daddy already" minji said and taehyung just sighed before looking at jimin.

"fine. i forgive you but if you disturb me again" taehyung said, warning jimin who quickly nodded.

"yay! let's eat now!" minji said, clapping and the three started to eat, taehyung feeding jimin since the older's pancake is burnt and taehyung felt guilty for letting him eat it.

when they were done, taehyung decided to wash the plates, jimin volunteering to help as minji just stayed in the kitchen, watching the two.

as they were about to start, the doorbell rang and jimin decided to go out and see who is outside.

when he got out, he opened the gate and his eyes widened when he saw a girl standing infront of him, a sad and an apologetic smile on her face.


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