Bonus Chapter #3: Grown-Up

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"mommy taetae! daddy! breakfast is ready!" minji shouted as she walks back and forth from the kitchen and dining room, grabbing the bowl and plates filled with food and carefully putting them on the dining table.

the girl was then surprised when she felt some fur tickling her legs, looking down just to see yeontan who barked and looking up at her with his tongue out.

"oh tannie! hey there. let me prepare your breakfast too" minji happily said, bending down to rub yeontan's fur and standing back up again to prepare the dog's breakfast.

as minji was preparing yeontan's breakfast, a sound can be heard from one of the rooms, the doorknob turning and making the door open to reveal taehyung who is only wearing one of jimin's work shirts that is falling down to his mid-thigh, a pair of his husband's boxers underneath as he walks out of their room.

"oh! what's that smell?" taehyung gasped, sniffling while he walks to the dining room just to see their dining table full of food.

"wow!" taehyung exclaimed, looking at the foods with wide eyes and slowly smiling as he approaches the table, eyeing the different meals on the plates.

"oh! mommy taetae! you're awake! goodmorning!" minji happily greeted when she stood up after filling yeontan's bowl, putting the bag of dog food back in one of the cabinets before walking to taehyung, giving a kiss on the cheek and hugging the boy who greeted back with a 'goodmorning my minji', hugging his daughter back and pressing a kiss on her head.

"where's daddy?" minji asked when they pulled away, looking behind taehyung to look at her parent's door before looking back to taehyung who rolled his eyes.

"he's still sleeping. i woke him up tho but he didn't even move" taehyung replied and minji just giggled at this, pressing a kiss on taehyung's cheek one last time.

"i cooked you breakfast by the way. i hope you you will enjoy it!" minji exclaimed, pointing at the foods that she cooked and shyly biting her bottom lip.

"of course we will enjoy it baby! it was cooked by my beautiful daughter so i'm sure it would be yummy!" taehyung exclaimed back, cupping minji's face with his hands and pressing a kiss on her forehead, making the girl giggle again.

"besides, i'm the one who taught you how to cook so i'm sure it would be yummy" taehyung added and minji just smiled at this, hugging the boy again.

"i'm pretty sure that was me" a voice interrupted, making the two to turn their heads just to see jimin walking to them who is only wearing sweatpants while brushing his hair to the back.

"hi daddy! goodmorning!" minji greeted again, pulling away from taehyung and walking to jimin who already has his arms open and hugging her dad back, pressing a kiss on jimin's cheek like what she did to taehyung as the boy greeted back a 'goodmorning angel', pressing a kiss too on the girl's head.

"hey! i'm the one who is cooking all the time here and i was the one who taught minji!" taehyung protested, putting his arms across his chest as he watches the two with a pout.

the two then chuckled at this, pulling away and walking to taehyung, hugging him as the boy tried to push them away but he end up giggling when the two started to press kisses on his face.

"y-yah! stop it! it tickles!" taehyung exclaimed, shielding himself with his arms when the two started to tickle him.

"come on daddy and mommy! let's go eat now! i'm hungry!" minji exclaimed, pulling away and rubbing her tummy as the two just smiled at her, replying with an 'okay'.

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