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"go take a shower. i'll just prepare dinner" jimin said and taehyung followed instructions, going to his room to grab some clothes before heading to the bathroom.

when the curly haired boy got inside the bathroom, jimin sighed, brushing his hair to the back before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

as he was cooking, his phone suddenly rang, grabbing it and pressing the receive button.


("jimin-ah. i will just tell you that you will be out on business next month. you will be going to new york")

"next month?"

("yeah. second week of november")

"okay yoongi. thanks"

("and also, you need to come back to work tomorrow")

"yeah okay. i'll hang up. bye"

when jimin ended the call, the food he was cooking was already finished and at the same time, taehyung is already done taking a bath.

"you're on time. the food is ready" jimin said, preparing the table before walking to minji's room.

when he got inside, he saw minji playing with her dolls.

"angel, it's time to eat" jimin called making the little girl run towards jimin.

"daddy! i was playing with my dolls!" minji happily shared, smiling.

"that's nice baby. you can play with them after we eat okay?" jimin said to which the girl nodded before the two walked in the dining room.

"taetae, are you okay?" minji asked, looking at taehyung who sat beside her, sniffing.

"yeah baby. i just got colds" taehyung answered, smiling.

"i made you soup. you need it" jimin said, putting a bowl of soup infront of taehyung.

"thank you" taehyung muttered, grabbing his spoon and tasting the soup.

"is it okay?" jimin asked and taehyung nodded, smiling.

"next time, let me drive you okay?" jimin warned and taehyung giggled.

"okay sir" taehyung replied, rolling his eyes.

"i told you not to call me sir" jimin said.

"it's because you get mad at me like i did something wrong. you're so bossy" taehyung said, laughing.

"well i'm like that" jimin replied, shrugging.

"pabo" taehyung mumbled but jimin heard it.

"yah! who are you calling pabo?" jimin asked, his eyebrows furrowed but he's not mad.

"you. jiminie pabo" taehyung said, giggling before returning his attention to his food.

jimin just smiled and shaked his head instead of getting mad, starting to eat and minji silently watched the interaction, also smiling.


the next day, taehyung woke up coughing.

he feels like his head and body is so heavy.

he tried to stand up, weak legs helping him but it wasn't enough so he tried to walk slowly, getting out of the room.

"oh taehyung. i'll go to work now. take care of minji okay?" jimin reminded.

"o-okay" taehyung weakly stuttered out, coughing again.

"are you okay?" jimin asked, worried.

"y-yeah. my head just feels heavy" taehyung replied with small voice.

jimin then put his hand on taehyung's forehead.

"aish. taehyung, you're sick" jimin said.

he was surprised when taehyung fell, quickly catching him.

"taehyung? hey" jimin called out but taehyung remained still, his head on jimin's chest, closing his eyes.

jimin just sighed, lifting taehyung with his arms behind taehyung's waist and legs, walking in the guest room.

he gently layed him there, pulling the covers up to his chin and removing his coat to put on taehyung since the curly haired boy is shivering.

jimin went to the kitchen to get some hot water and a towel, going back to taehyung.

he sat on the chair beside taehyung's bed, putting the towel in the hot water before squeezing it and putting it on taehyung's forehead.

as soon as he was done, he leaned back on his chair, watching taehyung who has his eyes closed.

"appa? taetae?" a voice from outside called, making jimin to stand up and go outside.

"hey angel" jimin said, carrying the girl.

"hi daddy. where's taetae?" minji asked, looking behind jimin to see taehyung in his room.

"oh no. what happened to taetae?" minji worriedly asked, eyeing taehyung.

"he's sick baby" jimin replied, pulling his phone out to call yoongi.

("hello jimin-ah? where are you?")

"hyung i can't go to work. the babysitter is sick"

("what?! but you have a meeting with mister choi!")

"just cancel it. i need to take care of him"

("okay okay fine. see you soon and goodluck")

"thanks hyung. bye"

"is taetae gonna be okay daddy?" minji asked as soon as the calm is finished.

"yes he will baby. he just needs to rest and drink medicine" jimin replied and the girl just nodded.

is it okay? hope u like it ❤️

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