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the next day, jimin woke up first, slowly opening his eyes and ruffling his hair before turning to his side to see taehyung peacefully sleeping in his arms.

he can't help but to smile, slowly putting his hand on taehyung's hair, brushing it and watching it go back to place.

he then traced his index finger along taehyung's forehead, sliding down on his nose and gently pinching it.

he chuckled when he saw taehyung's scrunched his nose, booping it before cupping his cheeks.

he slowly pulled taehyung's head closer until there foreheads are pressed against each other, feeling taehyung's calm breath.

taehyung slowly opened his eyes, surprised to see jimin's face close to his.

"goodmorning" jimin whispered before pressing his lips on taehyung's.

taehyung giggled at this, faint blush visible on his cheeks as he pushed jimin's face away, the older groaning.

"it's so early in the morning jimin. stop it!" taehyung whined, still giggling.

"why? i just want to show how much i like you" jimin said, brushing his hair to the back.

"pabo. get up. we need to prepare for new year's eve" taehyung said, standing up and jimin following him.

when taehyung was about to head out, he was pulled by jimin, surprised when he faced jimin's chest.

"one more please?" jimin asked, pouting.

taehyung just rolled his eyes, standing on his tiptoes as he kissed jimin's lips, the older smiling.

"there. now we should stop now if you don't want your daughter catching us" taehyung said, getting out of jimin's grip before walking out of the room.

jimin just shaked his head, smiling before following taehyung.

"taetae! goodmorning!" minji greeted when taehyung got out, quickly running to the curly haired boy who carried her.

"goodmorning baby. did you have a good sleep?" taehyung asked, tucking minji's hair behind her ears.

"yes! how about you? how is sleeping with daddy?" minji asked and taehyung turned red, shy to answer.

"he enjoyed it minji" a voice interrupted and the two turn their heads only to see jungkook approaching them.

taehyung quickly smacked jungkook's arms, frowning while the younger laughed before greeting minji a 'goodmorning'.

jimin then came out, walking towards the three as he kissed minji's cheek.

"goodmorning angel" jimin greeted and then he turned to taehyung, also kissing his cheek.

"please! not infront of my eyes!" jungkook interrupted, rolling his eyes.

"minji, let's go. we don't want to be eaten by ants" jungkook said, getting minji from taehyung as the girl giggled, nodding.

"go ahead and cook breakfast. we'll be watching since i know you'll be doing some sweet things over there" jungkook said, sitting on the couch and lifting his legs.

minji also copied him, giggling and finding everything funny.

taehyung face-palmed at this, looking at jimin who is ready to kick jungkook out of his house.

"come on. let's just cook" taehyung said, chuckling as he pulled jimin with him.

"what are we gonna cook today?" jimin asked when they reached the kitchen, watching taehyung who is preparing all the things he need.

"i'm gonna cook. go back and watch with them" taehyung said, cheekily smiling.

"oh come on! jungkook already left us alone" jimin said, walking closer to taehyung.

"you're just gonna disturb me jimin my god! i need to focus cooking" taehyung said, slicing the ingredients.

"i can help you" jimin said, standing behind taehyung and trapping him against the counter with his hands on each side of taehyung.

"i don't need help jimin" taehyung said, not minding jimin.

"please?" jimin begged, looking at taehyung with a pout on his face.

taehyung turned his head at the side, regretting it because the look on jimin's face, he will say yes immediately.

resist it taehyung

"please let me help?" jimin said, pouting more and taehyung had enough of it.

"okay fine jimin" taehyung said, rolling his eyes but smiling after when he heard jimin shouted a 'yes'.

jimin started to help taehyung with slicing the ingredients, putting his hand over taehyung's.

"oh come on! i told you that you will be doing sweet things but i didn't really expect that you would actually do it!" jungkook shouted, ruffling his hair.

"i'll just get water. i'm leaving" jungkook said, quickly grabbing a glass and filling it up with water before leaving, not even sparing a glance at the two.

jimin and taehyung then looked at each other for a few seconds before laughing, shaking their heads as they continued to cook.

another one! do u think it's okay? uwu i'm sorry. hope u like it! ❤️

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