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the next day, jimin went to work, leaving taehyung and minji in the house.

"i'm going to work now. take care of yourself and minji okay?" jimin said as the younger just nodded, carrying minji who is waving her hand.

"bye daddy. take care and i love you" minji said, smiling.

"bye angel. take care of yourself too and i love you too" jimin replied, kissing minji's cheek.

"text me if something happens okay? i love you" jimin mumbled to taehyung, kissing his lips before pulling away with a smile.

"i love you too. bye! take care!" taehyung replied, also waving his hand as he watched jimin walk to his car, driving off.

when jimin was gone, taehyung closed the door before looking at minji.

"what do you want to do today baby?" taehyung asked, walking to the kitchen.

"i want to bake some cupcakes!" minji happily said making taehyung smile.

"okay. we'll bake some cupcakes" taehyung said, nodding. 

taehyung helped minji to put her apron, also putting his before they started to grab the ingredients they need.

when they were about to start, the door of the guest room suddenly opened, revealing hyeji who just woke up.

"g-goodmorning" taehyung nervously greeted, watching how the girl just ignored him, walking towards the coffee maker to make some coffee for herself.

taehyung just shrugged, going back to minji who is happily playing with the flour.

"you're making a mess baby. do you want me to teach you?" taehyung asked and the little girl nodded, letting taehyung to hold her hands and teach her.

hyeji watched this silently, wanting to be in taehyung's place right now.

she decided to do something, sipping from her coffee as she walked towards the two.

as soon as she is close to taehyung, she pretended that she tripped on to something, her coffee spilling on taehyung.

"ow" taehyung whined as he felt the hot liquid on his skin and shirt.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry. it was a little bit slippery and i didn't see it!" hyeji exclaimed, her hands on her mouth.

"i-it's fine. i'm just gonna wash it" taehyung said, removing his apron.

"baby, wait for me okay? don't touch anything" taehyung said and minji just nodded, watching the curly haired boy walk to the bathroom.

once taehyung was in the bathroom, hyeji smirked, cleaning her mess before smiling at minji.

"hey minji. i'm hyeji, your mom. do you remember me?" hyeji asked, about to touch minji's hair but the kid backed off.

"aw. are you shy? don't be!" hyeji coo-ed, carrying minji.

the little girl tried to get off her grip, kicking her legs but hyeji ignored it, about to walk in the guest room when taehyung went out of the bathroom.

"mommy taetae!" minji said, successfully getting out of hyeji's grip when the woman put her down.

minji ran to taehyung, the curly haired boy carrying her.

"i guess minji is a little bit shy. i was inviting her to play with me" hyeji said to taehyung, approaching the two.

"let's continue making cupcakes yeah?" taehyung asked minji, ignoring hyeji. minji quickly nodded, smiling at taehyung as they walked back at the kitchen.

hyeji rolled her eyes when taehyung walked past her, putting her arms across her chest and huffing.


"hi daddy! how's work?" minji asked jimin who is on the phone.

they are having a video call right now since jimin is on a break and he misses the two.

"hi angel. it's fine. how about you?" jimin asked back.

"i'm fine daddy. me and mommy taetae baked some cupcakes! you should taste them when you get home!" minji happily said and the man just chuckled, nodding.

"i'm sure the cupcakes are delicious" jimin said, smiling.

"of course. me and mommy taetae made it! we poured so much love in them!" minji said, looking up at taehyung who smiled at her.

"that's cute. i will also give you two so much love when i get home" jimin said making the two excited.

"how about you taehyung baby? how are you?" jimin asked the curly haired boy who smiled.

when taehyung was about to reply, someone suddenly grabbed his phone from him.

"hi jimin. how's work?" hyeji asked, waving her hand.

"can you give the phone back to them? i'm not talking to you" jimin seriously said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"oh come on. just answer my question" hyeji said, still smiling.

"give it back or i'm going to kick you out when i get home" jimin said angrily.

hyeji quickly gave taehyung his phone back, rolling her eyes and putting her arms across her chest as she watched the three.

"i'm fine. i'm just kinda sad" taehyung replied, smiling softly.

"why?" jimin worriedly asked.

"i miss you" taehyung sadly said and jimin quickly smiled.

"aw! mommy taetae misses daddy!" minji teased, the curly haired boy turning red.

"i miss you too tae baby. i also miss my angel minji" jimin replied, still smiling making the two smile.

"well, i have to go back to work now. see you later my babies. i love you two" jimin said, waving his hand.

"we love you too" the two replied, also waving back before the call ended.

meanwhile, hyeji just rolled her eyes, angrily stomping in the guest room.

here's another one! hope u like it! ❤️ *whispers* i hate hyeji >:(

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