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everyday, jimin is getting more happiness not just from his daughter minji, but also from taehyung.

there was one time when the two are busy taking care of the garden, looking up on the flowers decorated in the garden.

"taetae! look! it's a caterpillar!" minji said, pointing at the insect on the plant.

taehyung grabbed it, putting it on his finger and bringing it close to minji.

the girl looked at it with amazement, rubbing the insect with her little finger.

"i want to take care of it!" minji said making taehyung chuckle.

"okay. we'll keep it here" taehyung said, putting the caterpillar in the jar that he brought outside.

they continued to look for more insects, minji mostly finding them than taehyung.

after gathering some insects, they decided to water the plants, taehyung handing a small hose to minji while he uses a big hose.

as they are watering, taehyung was suprised to feel water on his back, turning around to minji who is giggling, the small hose pointed at him.

"minji? why?" taehyung whined, pouting.

the girl just giggled, still pointing her hose to taehyung, the curly haired boy getting wet.

"you always want to play. come here and i'll show you how we play" taehyung said before pointing his hose to minji, getting the girl wet.

"shower!" minji squealed happily, jumping up and down.

taehyung just smiled, getting another water shot from minji.

the two exchanged water, pointing their hoses at each other and running until they decided to do something.

"what if we point our hose to daddy?" minji asked while taehyung listened, crouching down to be the same level with minji.

"i think that would be perfect" taehyung replied, smiling.

when they heard the gate opening, they quickly pointed the hose to jimin who was entering the gate, getting startled and wet.

"what the?!" jimin exclaimed, about to be angry when he looked at the two who is looking at him with their cutest smiles.

another day of playing around, i guess

jimin thought, sighing as he walked closer, brushing his hair to the back.

taehyung regretted getting jimin wet because jimin's clothes is sticking to his body, the outline of his muscular body visible.

jimin brushing his hair to the back isn't helping, his forehead showing and his eyebrows that are furrowed making him look more handsome.

everything slowed down in taehyung's eyes, just staring at jimin who is slowly approaching them until he was startled when he felt water.

he heard jimin and minji laughing, two hoses pointed at him and all he can do is to cover his face.

"yah! give me my hose back!" taehyung shouted.

"arf!" yeontan then came running in the garden, barking and jumping on taehyung.

"go bark at them tannie!" taehyung said, pointing at the two.

unfortunately, the dog got wet because of jimin who is still laughing.

"why did you do that to tannie?" taehyung whined, pouting.

they continued their water fight with smiles and laughters, jimin and minji always targeting taehyung who is trying to hide behind yeontan.


another one is when they were about to sleep, minji wanting to sleep beside his dad so taehyung carried her in jimin's room.

taehyung knocked first, doesn't want to barge in jimin's room since the older is working.

"come in" he heard jimin said and he slowly twisted the door knob, pushing the door open to see jimin on the bed, his laptop on his lap and he's wearing his glasses.

"daddy! can i sleep with you?" minji asked, running to jimin when taehyung put her down.

"sure angel. come here" jimin said as she carried minji on his bed.

meanwhile, taehyung was roaming his eyes around jimin's room.

it's the first time he went inside and he noticed that all of the things are color black.

he was startled when a pillow was throwned at him.

"ow" taehyung whined, covering his face.

he then removed his hands to see jimin smirking at him.

taehyung rolled his eyes before grabbing the pillow on the floor, throwing it back on jimin.

he was about to leave when he felt another pillow throwned at his back.

"you're not leaving this room until i got my revenge" jimin said, turning off his laptop and removing his glasses.

taehyung then thought of an idea, turning around and smiling at jimin innocently.

"do you want revenge?" taehyung asked, grabbing the pillow on the floor and walking towards jimin who stood up.

"of course. after getting me wet and putting paint on me? i think i deserve a revenge" jimin replied, smirking.

he then felt a pillow smashed on him, making him fall on the bed.

"well beat me first in this pillow fight" taehyung said, also smirking.

"bring it on" jimin said before smashing the pillow he grabbed from the bed on taehyung.

"ow! that's unfair!" taehyung whined before smashing jimin again.

minji decided not to join, enjoying watching the two who is busy smashing pillows at each other.

taehyung was about to hit jimin again but he yelped when he felt jimin pushing him on the bed, hovering him.

taehyung opened his eyes, looking up to see jimin's face close to him.

he widen his eyes, gripping the pillow tighter as they stared at each other.

jimin slowly put his index finger on taehyung's forehead, slowly sliding it down on his nose before pinching it.

taehyung turned red and was startled when jimin hit him again with the pillow.

they just continued their pillow fight until they got exhausted while minji just watched them, smiling.

another update!!! here u go!!! ❤️

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