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taehyung didn't even noticed that he stopped what he is doing, his hand with cotton ball still on jimin's cheek while jimin's hand is wrapped around his wrist.

why is my heart beating so fast?

taehyung thought as they continued to stare at each other.

"taetae?" a voice interrupted making taehyung startle.

jimin hissed when taehyung accidently dabbed the cotton ball on his cheek.

"papa? you're home" minji mumbled, still sleepy as she rubs her eyes with her fist.

"hey angel. you should go back to sleep" jimin said, hiding his wound from minji.

"i-i had nightmares" minji stuttered out.

"let's go sleep now then baby" jimin said, walking towards minji who already have her arms open.

jimin then carried her, about to go in when he looked back to see taehyung fixing the first aid kit.

"put that back and go here after" jimin said and taehyung just nodded, following jimin's instructions.

when he got in minji's room, he saw jimin beside the girl, telling a story as the girl listened, slowly falling asleep.

as soon as minji fell asleep, jimin sighes, giving a kiss on her forehead.

"will she ever see her mom?" taehyung asked suddenly, widening his eyes and putting his hands on his mouth.

i should have not asked that!

jimin slowly turned his head, looking at taehyung with furrowed eyebrows.

"i-i'm sorry" taehyung whispered, bowing.

"i'll tell you on the right time. go to sleep" jimin said as he stood up, walking past taehyung and heading to the door.

"g-goodnight" taehyung mumbled before hearing the door close.


the next morning, jimin went to work while the two are left in the house with yeontan.

"so what do you want to do today?" taehyung asked while they are eating lunch.

"i wanna do a bracelet!" minji answered, clapping.

"aww. what will you do with the bracelet?" taehyung asked, feeding minji.

"daddy's birthday is coming soon. i wanna give him a present to thank him for being a dad and a mom to me" minji explained, smiling.

"birthday? when is his birthday?" taehyung asked, surprised at what he heard.

"it's on the thirteenth of the october! two days left!" minji excitedly said.

"really? you must be excited then" taehyung said, smiling.

"of course. he promised me that we will go to the beach" minji said while chewing.

taehyung just smiled, thinking about what should he do on jimin's birthday.

should i greet him? should i give him something?

after lunch, the two already started to make bracelet for jimin.

they are sitted on the floor, beads and strings scattered around them.

"taetae! i can't put the string in the bead!" minji whined, handing taehyung the string and bead she is holding.

taehyung chuckled, grabbing it before putting it, concentrating with his tongue out.

"there you go!" taehyung said, giving minji back the string and bead.

as she watches minji who is busy doing jimin's bracelet, he decided to help, grabbing the other end of the string and putting the beads.

"taetae? do you want to come with us?" minji asked in the middle of their bracelet session.

"i think your dad wants to enjoy his birthday with just the two of you" taehyung replied.

"but i want you to come. you're my mom right?" minji asked again, looking up.

"i- well yeah but i think i'm not invited" taehyung answered.

"then i will tell dad! you can bring yeontan too if you want!" minji excitedly said, looking at taehyung with anticipation in her eyes.

"y-you don't have to" taehyung shyly said, continuing on the bracelet they are working.

"i will still tell dad!" minji said, putting her tongue out.

taehyung just chuckled, ruffling minji's hair before going back on the bracelet.


it was already jimin's birthday, the birthday celebrant waking up with minji bouncing on his bed.

"daddy! it's your birthday! wake up!" minji shouted.

"i'm awake now angel" jimin said, slowly sitting up.

"happy birthday appa!" minji greeted, kissing jimin's cheeks.

"thank you angel. are you excited for today?" jimin asked, hugging his daughter.

"yes! yes! yes! we are going to the beach!" minji excitedly said.

"that's right baby. let's prepare now" jimin said, standing up with minji in his arms.

"daddy? can i ask you a favor? can taetae and yeontan also come?" minji asked, puppy eyes looking at jimin.

of course jimin can't resist that so he smiled and nodded.

"okay baby. we will call taehyung alright?" jimin said and minji quickly shouted a 'yay'.

meanwhile, taehyung was woken up by the doorbell, sleepily going down to open the door.

"who's th- m-mister park?!" taehyung exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"get ready and bring your dog. we're going to the beach" jimin said and taehyung processed what jimin is saying before remembering what minji told him the other day.

he nodded, quickly going up to prepare his things and himself.

when he was done, he ran downstairs with a bag and yeontan in his arms, not forgetting to lock the door before walking towards jimin's car.

"taetae! yeontan!" minji happily shouted when taehyung opened the passenger door.

once they are settled, jimin started the car and their joyride to the beach begins!

sorry for the late update but here you go! hope u like it ❤️

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