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"he's my boyfriend"

hyeji widened her eyes, her hands slowly going down to her side as she stared at taehyung who is smiling at her.

"b-boyfriend? a-are you sure about that?" hyeji asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"yes. he asked me to be his boyfriend during the new year" taehyung explained, drying his hands with a towel.

taehyung got confused when hyeji started to laugh, the girl covering his mouth and trying to calm herself.

"that was funny. i like your joke" hyeji said after calming down but still laughing a little, wiping her fake tears.

"b-but i'm not joking?" taehyung confusedly said.

"okay okay. i believe you" hyeji said, raising her arms up.

"how did he even fell inlove with you?" hyeji asked, putting her arm on the kitchen counter and leaning her head on her palm.

"you should ask jimin" taehyung replied.

"hmm okay. let me ask you that question, how did you fell inlove with him?" hyeji asked, standing up straight and putting her arms across her chest again.

"well, he's a man who is kind and caring to people. he showed and helped me how to be brave and the way he loves minji just made me fall in love more" taehyung explained, smiling as he remembered their moments, not noticing how hyeji gritted her teeth behind her smile that she is showing.

"how about minji? do you also love her or you only love her and her dad because of money?" hyeji asked making taehyung surprised at the question.

"i love them both with all my heart, not because of money" taehyung replied softly.

minji then came out of her room sleepily, wearing her pajamas and a stuff toy in her arms.

"mommy?" minji called out, rubbing her eyes with her fist.

"yes?" taehyung and hyeji said at the same time, slowly looking at each other before looking back at minji.

the little girl opened her arms before talking.

"mommy taetae. let's sleep" minji mumbled, pouting.

taehyung looked at hyeji one last time, smiling a little before walking to minji and carrying her.

"let's go to daddy's room yeah?" taehyung said to minji who nodded, laying her head on taehyung's shoulder and closing her eyes.

jimin also went in the house, the call already done as he looked at taehyung and minji.

"oh you're gonna sleep?" jimin asked.

"yeah. minji is already sleepy" taehyung replied, opening the door of jimin's room.

"okay. you go ahead. i'm just gonna get my laptop. goodnight angel" jimin said, kissing minji on her forehead and the younger nodded, walking in the room.

when jimin already got his laptop, he was about to walk in his room when a voice interrupted him.

"jimin?" hyeji called out, walking towards jimin.

"what?" jimin asked, not even turning around.

"can we talk?" hyeji asked again.

"i need to do something. we can just talk next time" jimin said, twisting the door knob.

"we can talk while you are working" hyeji said, hearing jimin sigh.

"i'm working in my room. we have more time to talk soon" jimin said, going in the room and was about to close the door when hyeji stopped him.

"please jimin. just this time" hyeji begged.

"do you want me to kick you out now?" jimin angrily asked and hyeji quickly shaked her head.

jimin then closed the door as hyeji just stared at it before huffing, walking to the guest room angrily.

when jimin closed the door, he looked at the bed to see taehyung humming a song, patting minji softly as the girl already fell asleep.

jimin smiled at this, turning off the lights and putting his laptop on the table before laying beside taehyung who was startled.

"let's sleep" jimin whispered, wrapping his arms around taehyung and pulling the curly haired boy close to his chest.

"i thought you still need to do something?" taehyung asked.

"i can do it tomorrow. i want to cuddle you" jimin said, putting his nose on taehyung's head and inhaling his hair.

"hyeji asked me some things a while ago" taehyung said after a few seconds of silence.

jimin then furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at taehyung who is also looking up at him.

"what did she ask?" jimin asked, rubbing circles on taehyung's waist.

"she asked what is our relationship. i told her that you are my boyfriend and she didn't even believed at first. she laughed and told me to stop saying jokes" taehyung mumbled, playing with jimin's shirt.

"don't mind her. she's jealous" jimin said, kissing taehyung's forehead.

"let's sleep. goodnight. i love you"  jimin whispered, hugging taehyung tighter and kissing his lips.

sorry for the late update but here you go! hope u like it! ❤️

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