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"i'm going to work now alright?" jimin said, kissing taehyung and minji's forehead.

"daddy? can we come with you?" minji asked, pouting as she looked at jimin with a pout on her face.

jimin then looked at taehyung who is also looking at him with excited eyes.

how can i say no when my two babies are looking at me like that?

jimin thought as he smiled, ruffling minji's hair.

"okay angel" jimin replied.

"yay! let's go change now mommy taetae!" minji excitedly said, the curly haired boy nodding as he ran in minji's room with the girl in his arms to change her.

after changing minji, he quickly walked out, giving minji to jimin for a while.

"i'm just going to change" taehyung said to jimin, the older nodding and smiling as he watch the younger running to their room.

once taehyung is done, he shyly walked out of their room, getting more shy when jimin is starting at him.

"you look cute baby" jimin whispered to taehyung's ears, kissing his cheek making the younger blush.

"yay! let's go!" minji happily said and the two just smiled.

they were about to walk out when a voice stopped them, turning their heads around to see hyeji changed into a decent clothes.

"where are you all going?" hyeji asked, walking towards the three.

"we're going to daddy's office" minji replied.

"oh! can i come?" hyeji asked, looking at jimin.

"no" jimin replied before turning around again.

"you can't leave me alone in your house jimin" hyeji said and jimin sighed, realizing that hyeji can touch something in his house that is not her's.

"fine but don't do anything stupid" jimin seriously said, covering minji's ears.

hyeji happily clapped her hands, locking the door behind her as they all walk to jimin's car.

hyeji quickly ran before them, standing infront of the passenger's door.

"you sit at the back" jimin said when they reached the car, blocking the passenger's door.

jimin opened the passenger's door for taehyung, the younger thanking him.

hyeji just rolled her eyes, walking and standing on the other side of the car and waiting for jimin to also open the door for her.

jimin then walked to the driver's seat, making hyeji to stand up straight as she prepared herself to go in the car.

she watched jimin who is opening the door of the driver's seat with his free hand since minji is in his arms, before going in, closing the door.

hyeji just stood there with parted lips, watching jimin who rolled down his window.

"are you coming or not?" jimin annoyingly asked.

hyeji stood there for a few more seconds before angrily opening the door at the back, getting in and huffing, putting her arms
across her chest.

during the ride, minji was on taehyung's lap, the two singing again to some disney songs and this time, jimin is joining them, the three singing with a smile while hyeji just watched them with furrowed eyebrows.

"goodmorning mister park!" the guard greeted as soon as they arrived in jimin's company.

jimin nodded as a response, carrying minji while his other hand is holding taehyung's hand.

hyeji just followed behind them, ignoring the surprised look from the employees.

"that's mister park's wife right?"

"i have never seen her for how many years"

"why is mister park with a boy?"

taehyung heard all of these, getting nervous as he fiddled with his sleeves, looking on the ground and letting himself be pulled by jimin.

hyeji was still following them, smirking when she saw that taehyung is not okay after hearing those things.

the employees doesn't know you huh stupid boy. they still think i am jimin's wife.

hyeji thought, smiling at the people who are greeting her.

once they got in the floor of jimin's office after taking an elevator, more whispers can be heard by taehyung, the curly haired boy gripping jimin's hand tightly.

jimin felt this, looking beside him to see taehyung who is not okay.

"hey. what's wrong?" jimin worriedly asked, pulling the younger closer to his side.

"nothing" taehyung replied, smiling a little bit at jimin.

jimin knew that something's wrong but he decided to just ask the younger later when they get in his office.

"goodmorning mister park and ma'am hyeji! hi minji!" one of the employee greeted, bowing at jimin and hyeji, waving her hand at minji and ignoring the curly haired boy beside jimin.

hyeji greeted the employee back with a smile, smirking when she saw how the employee didn't greet taehyung.

what are you now stupid boy?

here's another update! hope u like it and hope u hate hyeji even more! ❤️

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