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the two kissed for a few more seconds before pulling away, breathing softly.

"let's go" jimin said before pulling taehyung by his wrist, walking to the living room to see jimin's friends and minji looking at the both of them.

"what?" jimin asked, taehyung behind him, his head lowered.

"how is the...khm...foods?" yoongi asked, fake coughing.

"they're fine" jimin replied, rolling his eyes.

"what took you so long in the kitchen?" jungkook asked, still smirking.

"did you and taetae kissed again daddy?" minji asked and the five boys quickly looked at her with wide eyes.

"again?!" they all said at the same time.

taehyung turned more red when he heard that, wanting to just run away.

"papa always greet taetae with a kiss on the cheek every morning" minji said and the others looked at her before looking at the two.

"aish, just put your gifts there" jimin said, pointing under the christmas tree.

the boys just followed, laughing before standing up and putting their gifts under the christmas tree.


"merry christmas everyone!" hoseok shouted and they all started to greet each other a 'merry christmas'.

some bro hugs here and there.

"merry christmas angel! another christmas with daddy" jimin said to minji, carrying her and peppering her with kisses.

"merry christmas too daddy! more christmas to come!" minji happily said, kissing jimin on the cheek.

"taehyung! merry christmas!" jungkook shouted, engulfing taehyung in a tight hug, squeezing the curly haired boy.

"m-merry christmas too kook b-but please let go" taehyung said and the younger quickly loosened his grip.

"i'm sorry" jungkook said with an apologetic smile.

"it's okay. thanks for having you this christmas" taehyung said, smiling sadly.

jungkook noticed this, knowing what is the reason.

"hey cheer up. i'm sure your mom is also enjoying her christmas. call her if you want" jungkook said, comforting the older.

"thanks kook" taehyung said, smiling.

"koo koo hyung! taetae! let's eat!" minji shouted and the two nodded their heads, jungkook looking at taehyung with a smile before heading to minji, grabbing a plate.

taehyung just watched them, deciding to get food later.

"merry christmas" a voice interrupted making taehyung turn his head to see jimin handing him a plate full of foods.

"oh. thank you. merry christmas too" taehyung shyly replied, grabbing the plate from jimin.

"are you okay?" jimin asked worriedly.

"i'm fine. just thinking about my mom" taehyung answered, starting to eat.

"i'm sure she's fine and enjoying christmas" jimin said making the curly haired boy smile.

jimin smiled back, happy to make the younger smile despite of what he is dealing with right now.

"do you wanna taste?" jimin asked, showing taehyung a piece of chocolate cake.

taehyung nodded and jimin fed him, chuckling when taehyung's nose was full of chocolate icing, the younger pouting so jimin wiped it with his index finger.

"yah! it's christmas! stop flirting with each other!" jin interrupted.

the two just chuckled before heading to the table to eat with minji and jimin's friends.


"thank you so much hobi hyung!" minji happily said, giving hoseok a hug.

they are already giving gifts, all of them already opened the gifts.

there was one gift left under the christmas tree, minji grabbing it and reading the text.

"to jimin and minji....from taetae!" minji said, running to jimin who carried her and put her in his lap.

"let's open taetae's gift angel" jimin said and the little girl nodded, quickly removing the ribbon before ripping the wrapper.

there was a box and jimin opened it just to see two red sweaters, one small and one big.

"ooh~ we're matchy matchy daddy!" minji said, holding up the sweater.

"aww! that's cute!" jungkook squealed and the other boys agreed with him, smiling.

jimin then looked at taehyung who was watching them with a soft smile, his cheeks red.


"thank you taetae! i love it! i love you!" minji said, going down with jimin's help and running to the curly haired boy who carried her.

minji kissed him on the cheek making taehyung surprised but he quickly smiled.

"i love you too" taehyung replied, hugging minji.

"daddy, kiss taetae!" minji said and taehyung's eyes widened, turning red.

"oh yes! kiss him!" namjoon shouted and the other boys also hyped jimin who just shaked his head and smiled.

jimin leaned closer to taehyung's face before pressing his lips on his cheek, the younger still blushing.

"yay!" minji happily shouted, clapping, the other boys also clapping.

here's another one and sorry if it's late! hope u like it! ❤️

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