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(A/N Btw this is not what you look like as a child. Unless you wanna look like that. Then go ahead, I guess. Ahaha... ^w^ Anywho this is my first book ever so please enjoy!! I put a lot of effort into it, so please... no mean or hurtful comments!)

   "Y/N!!!" A little boy with half-white and half-red hair ran over to me, smiling adorably. "Sho!" I exclaimed, smiling as I hopped off the swing. He stopped in front of me and panted.

   "Did you come to play with me again?" I asked. He nodded slightly. "Yeah! Mama said I had enough training for today and brought me here!" Shoto said. Suddenly I remembered something. "Hey, I saw an ice cream truck over there earlier! Wanna get some with me?" I asked. He turned around to face his mother and she nodded. "Er, sure!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my mother, who gave us some money.

   We ran towards the truck and the sweet lady inside asked us what we'd like. "You first, Sho!" I said, stepping aside to let him examine the flavor menu. " Um....can I get.." he started, mumbling. Aw, he really was so shy around most people. He paused, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly. Then his eyes widened. "Miss, I'll take a strawberry, please!" he said excitedly.

   I giggled. Shoto loved anything strawberry; strawberry milk, strawberry ice cream, strawberry lollipops, strawberry cake, strawberries themselves...He was practically the strawberry prince. "Ahaha...." I let out a tiny laugh and he stared at me, tilting his head. "Is...something wrong?" he mumbled, confused. I shook my head and smiled. "Nope!" I replied. "What can I get for you?" the lady in the truck said to me. "Oh, right! I'll take a (Insert favorite ice cream flavor here), please!" The lady nodded and soon my order was ready. I gave the nice lady some money and headed over to a bench with Shoto following close behind. 

   I noticed that he wasn't exactly himself today. He fiddling with the cone in his hands and climbed up onto the bench with me. "Um...Sho? Is...something wrong?" I asked softly.

   "Hey, uh....Y/N...I might be moving soon.."

   That's all I remember. After that.......I never saw him again. Until......

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now