Forget It

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   I guess that means I'm left with Midoriya and Iida. Everyone chatters amongst themselves before we disperse.

   My group followed Jiro's group, which only consisted of her and Kaminari. "So, since we're all here, we can be a group for now." Kaminari suggested. I shrugged.

   "That's fine." Midoriya replied. "Hey, after this, do you think we can go on some rides?" Midoriya asked me. 

   "Sure." I nodded. 

   "What kinds do you like? Rides, I mean. Personally, I don't like the really tall ones with steep drops...Ehe..I prefer the ones that are fun but...not scary?" Midoriya continued awkwardly. 

   We'd stepped inside the ice cream bar and I took a look around. "C'mon! The ice cream won't wait all day!" Kaminari said excitedly. We all followed behind him to the front as a lady stepped out from a door behind the bar. "Hello! What can I get for you today?" she started cheerfully. 

   "What do you want, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. 

   I glanced down at the several flavors of ice cream, my eyes landing on one in particular. "Strawberry-"

   Memories flooded the back of my mind, filling my vision as though they were being played out in front of me like a movie. It played over and over, like it was on loop. 

   A sudden sharp pain rippled through my chest. My vision went blurry and before I knew it, I was kneeling on the ground, clutching my chest. I heard everyone's frantic voices around me, but there was one in particular that caught my attention.


   No...Go away. I'm here to feel better. I don't need you to ruin their progress...I don't want to waste their efforts!

   Even though I wanted her to stay, I knew it would only get worse. My friends had done so much for me, and now wasn't the time to ruin it. 

   "Todoroki?" Iida grabbed my shoulders tightly. 

   I felt faint as he pulled me to my feet. I felt the ground beneath me spin, and I swayed slightly. Despite the efforts, I crumbled to the ground once more, a loud, high-pitched ringing in my ears.

   I wanted to let it happen. I wanted to slip into the dark state of unconsciousness. I knew it'd be easier than trying to stand on my feet. I knew I'd feel better if I couldn't feel anything at all.

   But I also knew that there were people crowding around me. I knew that my friends were panicking. Was I really going to be so selfish? Could I call myself a real friend if I repaid their efforts to cheer me up by letting myself go so easily?

   "Sho. You're still blaming yourself. But're  even trying to feel responsible for everything. This isn't your fault-"

   "You're right! It's not! It's YOURS! It's your fault!" I whispered.

   "That's fair..." the voice whispered, and I looked up to see Y/N's figure, surrounded by a silhouette of faint light. She was almost translucent.

   She looked down at me, biting her lip and thinking. 

   "Maybe you should just forget, Sho. It wouldn't be hard to lose everything you're carrying with you."

   Forget? She's kidding, right? Forget this? What kind of stupid, heartless person would be able to forget someone they cared about? She must have forgotten that I'm not my father.

   "I know you're not your father. But that's not what I meant. Just let it go. I need you to forget." she murmured gently, as if reading my mind.

   I shook my head slightly, mumbling. 

   "It's better for both of us like this." I heard her whisper again. 

   I felt a ripple of cold ice-like blood running through my veins. "Todoroki...? Can you hear me? Do you need me to call-" Iida started.

   "No..." I muttered, sitting up with my head in my hands. "I'm fine. Promise." I replied calmly. I slowly got to my feet, clutching the side of a table as I stood.

   " this about Y/N...? Did something happen-"


Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now