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   Am I going insane? Or was that...

   My eyes widened and I stepped forward, poking my head out the window. I looked over at the figure, but it had disappeared. I sighed. It's getting to me. I really AM going insane...I clutched my head in my hands and sat with my back against the glass. I felt my mind spinning with thoughts and images of her. What's WRONG with me? Whenever I think about it, I tell myself its not real. But when I see things like that.......I want it to be. I heaved myself up, only to flop down on my bed again. I felt numb everywhere. Nothing made sense anymore and it was all because she was gone. Come back, Y/N...Come back...I thought hopelessly.

   I heard the wind rustling my curtains and tilted my head towards it. And there she stood, holding her hands behind her back like she used to do all the time at school. Her skin was pale, almost white, and a faint glow radiated from her skin. Her hair billowed in the gentle breeze. 

   "Y/N..." I whispered. She took a step forward and I sat up on my bed. She opened her mouth and began to speak, but no words came out. No...Instead of words, a soft, whoosh sound came out, like the wind whistling through the tall grass in a meadow. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound as she stepped closer. I felt chills run up and down my body as she whispered into my ear. I could finally make out the words, but they were very faint.

   "Shoto...I'm here...Don't forget....that I'm't leave everyone...else" I felt her head rest on my shoulder. My eyes opened suddenly and I turned my head to face her, to comfort her, but there was no one there. The sounds of the wind were gone, and the faint glow that radiated off of Y/N's pale skin had faded away, leaving my room as dark as it had been before. But to me, even for that brief moment, it had seemed even darker than it was before. That one moment alone had given me hope, but then it had disappeared, leaving me in the same broken state. I crumbled to the floor, my face buried in my knees as I hugged them. 

   This isn't fair. I thought. I rested my head on my arms, glancing sideways at the nightstand beside me. I sighed, opening the top drawer and pulling out a neatly-folded sheet of white paper. I unfolded it, reading it over and over in my head. It relieved a bit of the pain, but for every ounce of heartache that faded away, another wave of grief flooded my senses. It was pointless, trying to ignore it or brush it aside. I finished reading it for the seventh time and folded it back up, shoving it into the drawer once again. My hand brushed against something soft and cold. I pulled it out, revealing the flower that had once been attached to the note. I caressed it between my fingers, somewhat petting the soft petals. It was the last thing she'd ever given me, and it was precious. I dreaded the day I'd come home to find it withered and dead in my drawer, lost to me forever, like she was. To me, it was like a reminder. It was a reminder of her love, her life, and what we could have had. 

   But I let it slip away. It was so close, but somehow, yet again, I'd managed to lose someone I loved. But this time, it felt much worse, because I knew I could never get her back.

*Hello again! I know this chapter was rather short, but I promise there's a lot more to come in the near future! If you like the story, please don't forget to vote it (Or not :p) and comment what you like about it! If there's something you think could be worked on, let me know that as well! Everyone has room for improvement, and I'm no exception! And you guys are all awfully helpful! I'll take your ideas into consideration and try to improve things to meet your standards! Provided they're reasonable ideas :p Either way, thank you again for reading this and as always...*

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                                                  -All Might


Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now