Wait is This....LOVE??!

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   Todoroki used the heat from his fire side to unfreeze the building and we made our way back to the waiting room. Everyone congratulated us. 

   "But...I didn't do anything...It's really Sho you should be congratulating....Not me.." I mumbled. Hagakure and Ashido's eyes widened. "SHO?! Is that your cute boyfriend nickname for him? I mean, all couples have one, so it'd only be fair if-" Hagakure squealed. "A-ah!! No! It's not like that! That's what I used to call him back then!" I explained hopelessly. "Why are you guys so mean to meeeeeee?!" I pouted, my face bright red. They all laughed. Then I glanced over to Todoroki. Do I really.......like him? Agh, what am I thinking?! I slapped my cheeks gently to snap out of it. "Aw, you two would be a really cute couple!" Jiro said teasingly. I had enough. 

   "Oh yeah? What about you and Pikachu?!" I yelled, flustered. She stared back at me and Kaminari turned his head. "Wait, what?" he looked confused. Jiro's face went bright red this time. "That's such a stupid match-up! I don't even like him! I barely talk to him, anyway! And he's such an idiot!" Jiro made a bunch of silly excuses like that. Kaminari's face contorted with annoyance and irritation. "Oh yeah? Well, you're not so bright, either, punk-princess! What gives you the right to downgrade me like that if you're not any better, huh?!" he yelled. Oh god, what did I start? I noticed Todoroki was starting to walk towards me and I took a deep breath and prepared to talk with him. And then....

   "Todoroki! I watched that move! That was so brilliant! With a quirk like that, you could definitely become the number one hero someday!" Yaoyorozu said to him, her eyes sparkling. Todoroki smiled warmly, which was unusual for him to do to anyone other than me. I felt something bubble up inside me. But...what is it? Could it be......jealousy?! No, why would I be jealous? We're best friends! Sure, I like him, but not like that!! I looked away and tried to control myself, but seeing him speak so freely with her stirred something inside of me. 

   Does he like her? What if he starts to love her and they start to date? What if he forgets about me? What if-

   I was so enveloped by my own thoughts that I didn't notice they had ended their conversation. And now he was walking towards me again. He stared at me for a moment while my thoughts barraged me and made my head spin. "Ahem...Y/N..? Are you alright? You're looking a bit....pale. And you're sweating. Are you sick?" he asked gently. I shook my head. "No, no, no! It's just..the cold from the training match might have gotten to me! And I'm also tired! That's it, yeah! No biggie!" I rushed an explanation out of my mouth and it just came up in awkward, rapid sentences. Then he did something that may have given me a mini heart attack.

   He put his hand up to my forehead, a worried expression on his face. "Huh?!" I jumped a bit at the touch. "W-what are you-" I started. "Shh...You're burning up. Maybe you should go see Recovery Girl..."he murmured. I could feel my heart trying to jump out of my chest. He's so close!!! And why is he so goddamn cute?! I took a step back. "Right! I'll...do that...." I said, barely able to get full sentences out. 

   God Sho, why do you do this to me?!  I ran out of the waiting room and into the hallway. And, to my surprise, I met Momo out there. "Oh, hey Yaoyorozu!" I waved, trying to get Todoroki off of my mind. Then I remembered her expression when she spoke to him. Maybe...she likes him... I thought. For some reason, I couldn't bear the idea. Then I shook it away.

   "Oh, hello, Y/N! Congratulations on winning your match!" she said, smiling. "Yeah, thanks! But...I didn't do much. Todoroki's the one who made us win...He had the strategy and everything. I just held Hagakure back..." I mumbled. "Yeah.." she agreed. Yeah?! Wow, how supportive of you! I pouted. "Oh, no offense to you, I just meant that he's really something else...y'know? Surely you can see it! You've been his friend since forever, right? Has he always been that amazing?" she asked. 

   That's when it all started.

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now