Nice to Meet You...Again

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   "A-ah!" I stumbled back and Ashido chuckled. "You like him or something?" she whispered teasingly into my ear, my face redder than Shoto's hair. I shook my head. "He just....scared me..That's all." I murmured back and she nodded. "Right..." she murmured back. I rolled my eyes. Then he stepped closer. "You........." he whispered. I stared up at him and his beautiful hetero-chromatic eyes. "Y-yes?" I replied. Suddenly he grabbed my hand gently and pulled me away. "Agh!" 

   I let him take me aside. When we reached our destination, I looked back up at him. "Can I help you..?" I asked. He gazed at me, staring into my E/C eyes for a brief moment. I stared back awkwardly. "U-um....Sho? Do you need something..?" I asked again. He suddenly snapped out of it, turning his head away. I swear I saw the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks. "You's been so long since I've heard someone call me that.....especially you...." he murmured softly. I gave him a small smile, just like when we were kids. This seemed to startle him, because his eyes widened and his face turned pink. "Ah, sorry....ehe..." I murmured. What happened next startled me. Before I knew it, I was caught in a warm hug. "E-eh?" "It's nice to see you again..." he said, smiling slightly.

   I heard giggles from across the room and looked over. Ashido, Uraraka, Jiro, and Hagakure were watching us intently. I released myself from his embrace and looked away, flustered. He suddenly realized what he had done and his face went red too. "Oh....sorry.." he murmured. "No, it's fine. I just...can't believe it. It's been so long, Sho..." I smiled. He smiled back.

   "I guess I'll see you later, Y/N...." he mumbled, heading back to his seat. I walked back towards the girls, which I then realized was a terrible mistake. They barraged me with squeals and questions and screams of excitement, "Guyyysssss....." I tried to calm them down before anyone else noticed. "Please!" My face went red. "We were just talking...." Then Hagakure spoke up. "C'mon, Y/N! He totally likes you!! He HUGGED you!" she squealed, jumping up and down slightly. "It was a friendly hug....I told you guys, we were childhood best friends." I mumbled. They all stared at me, wide-eyed. 

   "You and....the flower boy.....were!!" Ashido squealed. Agh, why did I make it worse? I mentally face-palmed and nodded reluctantly. "OMIGOD then it's like true love! You're MEANT to be together!!!" I buried my face in my hands and peeked out to look at him, to see if he'd noticed. Only to see he was staring right back at me. 

   Oh gosh......

   "Guys, please stop it...." I mumbled, my voice muffled by my hands. They all finally quieted down, but not because I told them to. A man, probably in his 30's, was standing in the front of the classroom. He looked, he looked tired and worn out. Is that....our teacher??!

   "Hello class, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." Everyone stared back at him, shocked. Teacher! I was right, then...He looks...Never mind...Everyone sat down.

   "Alright, everyone put these on and meet me outside." He held up our PE clothes and pointed at it. Everyone looked pretty confused, but we reluctantly agreed. 

 *Time Skip a bit....^w^*

   When everyone was finally outside, Mr. Aizawa explained to us that we would be taking a fitness exam. Uraraka looked crushed. "But orientation! We'll miss it!" she pointed out. He told us we didn't have time for silly things like that. "UA isn't tethered to tradition. Therefore, I can run my class how I see fit." he explained. "And by the way, your scores will be added up. The person in last place will be.....(dramatic pause)....expelled." Everyone looked shocked. "But that's not fair! We just got here!" Uraraka complained. Mr. Aizawa looked as though he couldn't care less.

   Basically, we went through eight physical exams, such as ball throwing, 50-meter, dash, side-stepping, standing long jumps, etc. There was one messy-haired, freckled boy who did pretty bad in all the tests but one, and even ended up breaking his finger. However, I did pretty well and ended up in 6th place. Not bad....I thought. "And I lied. No one's going home." Mr. Aizawa said in the end. "WHAT?!" Everyone looked shocked and angry. "I'm surprised you guys hadn't figured it out. I'm sorry, maybe I should have told you...." said a black-haired girl. Some people looked annoyed at that and others were chill. 

   Once we all changed, it was lunch time. I walked up to my friends when suddenly, someone grabbed my hand. My friends obviously noticed, and their reactions were....well...

   I knew what came next.

   Then a voice murmured something into my ear. "Eat lunch with me."

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now