It's Too Late

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   After my talk with Uraraka, I'd gone straight home and laid on my bed, thinking about everything that had happened today. I think....I'll tell him. I decided. I'll tell him how I feel...and then I'll be free...I thought.

(Time Skip a day!)

   I walked to school with Uraraka by my side, and, as usual, she was telling me about something. I wasn't paying attention, because soon we arrived at the school. I began to walk faster as we approached our classroom. "Y/N! Wait up!" I heard Uraraka call out after me as I opened the classroom door, a determined look on my face. It's time...I'll tell him now. Before it's-

   Everyone was crowded around Todoroki, who had an arm around Yaoyorozu. They were all smiling and laughing. "Congratulations, you two!" Midoriya said, smiling. "Yeah! I hope you guys are happy together!" Kirishima added. I walked over to the two boys. "W-what's going on, you two?" I asked. Kirishima's smile suddenly faded. "Oh, um...Y/N! Good to see you, ehe..." he said awkwardly. I grabbed his arm. "Kirishima. What's everyone so excited about?" I tried again. He mumbled something under his breath.

   "What was that?" I asked, confused. I knew what was coming, so I don't know why I felt my heart sink as he said, "Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are dating now..." My face fell and I stared at him, silent. He frowned. "I didn't want to tell you.." he muttered. "'s fine-" I started, before I felt something catch in my throat. I fell to the ground, coughing up blood-stained petals. I realized everyone was staring at me in terror. I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder and shake me. I looked up.

   "S-Sho?" I said weakly as I recognized his face. "Y/N!! What's happening?" I looked over to Uraraka and the other girls, then at Midoriya and Kirishima. And, to my surprise, Kirishima looked the most horrified. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and got to my feet, running out of the classroom. "Y/N!" I heard Kirishima's voice call out. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't stop. I kept running, as fast as my legs could go, until I was outside, running through the trees. I was too late....It was too late....I..

   My thoughts faded away as I felt prickly thorns push their way up through my throat. I coughed them up, blood spattering the grass. I stopped running and felt my legs go weak. I fell to the ground. Finally, Kirishima caught up to me, and I realized Uraraka and Midoriya were behind him. 

   "Y/N....." he started quietly. "Why didn't you tell anyone? This is dangerous!" Kirishima said, somewhat angrily. "You wouldn't understand!" I yelled back, my voice cracked from the crying. "I don't want him to feel responsible for it...." I murmured. Kirishima, Uraraka, and Midoriya looked at me with clear confusion in their eyes. "...It?" Midoriya repeated. "When I die.." I whispered. Uraraka had tears falling down her face. "You're not going to die, Y/N!! You can't!" she cried. I shook my head and forced a smile. "It'll be fine..." I whispered, pulling her into a hug. "Thanks for being there for me..." I said quietly. I could tell the others were crying. Suddenly, Kirishima wiped away his tears and spoke up. "I would understand. A close friend of mine went through the same thing. He ended up leaving me....In other words, he died..And I don't want another person to die from this because they were too stubborn for their own good! You have to stop! It's not worth it! Whatever you're feeling, get over it!!" he yelled.

   I'd had enough. Before I knew it, I had slapped Kirishima across the face. "Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me to get over it. You wouldn't know it yourself. You've never had this. It's not that easy!" I yelled, anger blazing in my E/C eyes. I ran back to the school and into the girls bathroom when I heard footsteps. "Uraraka?" I whispered. I looked under the stall door to see a familiar pair of shoes, but they weren't hers. "Come out, Y/N." I heard his voice say. 

   "Sho! can't be in here..." I mumbled. Without thinking, I unlocked the door and exited and he grabbed my hand. "What's wrong, Y/N? I saw you over there. You're coughing up blood and petals!! You can't make up excuses!" he said, concern in his glittering heterochromatic eyes. "You don't understand, Sho.." I whispered. Something deep inside me made me want to yell at him, to blame him for my current situation. But I knew better. I knew it wasn't really his fault. Blaming him would be wrong. "Who did this to you?" he asked. I started crying and he hugged me. "I..I don't know who to blame!" I cried quietly. "Why did you have to do this, Sho?" I asked quietly. He stared into my eyes, an expression of utter confusion spreading across his face.

   "What did I do?" he asked. I backed away from him and began punching his chest weakly. "It's you! It's your fault!" I cried, letting it all out. He grabbed my hands in his. "Y/N....Stop..." he murmured. "I can't understand you when you do this. If there's something you want to say, then say it. You can't just say things like this and expect me to know what you mean." He held me back and suddenly Ashido, Jiro, Hagakure, and Yaoyorozu burst through the door. "Todoroki! What happened?" Yaoyorozu asked, running up to him immediately. He turned to face her. "I'm not completely sure but...." he started, but just then I grabbed his arm. He looked at me and I stared back, my eyes pleading as I shook my head. Please...don't tell her...I thought.

   He hesitated and looked back at Yaoyorozu. "She's coughing up blood, and her body seems to be really weak, but other than that, I think...she'll be okay. As long as you get some rest, alright?" he said the last part to me. I nodded and forced a grateful smile onto my face. "Right..I will." I said weakly.

   Yaoyorozu noticed how he held my hands and suddenly Todoroki dropped them. I sighed, my throat sore from the scratching of the thorns. I coughed up a few more petals and used my hand to cover my mouth to stop them from escaping, but I must have failed, because soon a single, delicate, pink, blood-stained flower fell to the ground. Yaoyorozu's eyes widened. "Y/ that..." she started. I gave up and dropped my hand, letting the petals, thorns, and flowers fall.

   Even I was shocked, because I'd never coughed up a whole flower before. I stared at it and held it up. "Y/ this.....because of me?" I heard Todoroki whisper into my ear. 

   Yes......I thought. I must have said it out loud, because his eyes widened. I felt arms around me and a soft whisper. "I'm so sorry..." I heard.

   And that was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now