Catching Up

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    "Eat lunch with me." Shoto murmured into my ear. I turned around. Of course. What did I expect?  Anywho, I smiled."Oh, sure!" I said. We got our food and sat at an isolated end of the table, just the two of us. 

   "So, uh....." I started, watching as he slurped up his cold soba. I laughed lightly. "You never get tired of that, do you?" I asked between laughs. He looked up at me. "It's really good either way, but cold is better....You should try it." he replied. "Right. Well...anything new you wanna talk about? How's your mother? And your siblings?" I tried to dodge any questions about his father, since I knew they weren't exactly on great terms. However, it seemed that something still hit a soft spot. "Fuyumi and Natsuo are fine. in the hospital..." he said, rather coldly. "" I started. Then he smiled slightly. "No reason to feel bad. You didn't know."

   I let out a small sigh of relief. "Um...sorry. It's been so long since I've spoken to you that I'm not quite sure what to say anymore..." I murmured. He chuckled lightly. "Well, then. How about I start?" I nodded. "How's the family?" he asked. "Oh, great! Mother's just got a new recruit! I heard it's a third year from here! They're working with her for their work studies! She told me she might take them on as a sidekick some day! And father's got a lot of business work to do! The previous CEO retired, and passed down the role to him, so he's got a lot of things going on for him! Keiko's doing just fine, too! She should be coming here next year! She's really excited to get middle school over with!" I saw his smile widen as I spoke about my family. "That's great. It seems not a lot has changed, then. Your family is still as happy as it always has been..." My face fell. "Sho....I'm sorry." I said suddenly. "What for? There's nothing wrong with that."

   " then.." I replied quickly. We ate the rest of our lunch and caught up on all the things we missed over the past years.

   "I heard you got in based on recommendations..." I pointed out. He nodded awkwardly. "Yeah, but we still had an exam. Though I'm pretty sure it was much easier than yours..Right?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, probably. We had to fight a bunch of big green robots! And there was this HUGE 0-pointer, but that green-haired freckled boy in our class-" I started. "Midoriya." he said. "Right, Midoriya, he took it out! He had no combat points, but he rescued Uraraka, so I guess it counted for something, right? 'Cause he got in anyway!" My eyes sparkled as I spoke. He chuckled at my excitement. 

   "Seems like everything's going well for you..." he said. I nodded my head. "Yeah! You know I really missed being with you. It seems like forever since we've heard from each other. And...I wanna know...What kept you away?" I asked suddenly. He raised an eyebrow. "Uh, I-I mean, I know you moved and everything..." I put my hands in my lap and looked down awkwardly. "But even before that...starting a few weeks before you left...You barely came to see me in the playground...and when you did, it was only for short amounts of time...I just wanted to know.." I looked back up, only to see his eyes turning dull and cold. "That's....none of your business." He stated. I looked away, feeling guilty. "I'm...sorry." I apologized. 

   I noticed now that across the table, Ashido, Hagakure, and Uraraka were staring at us again. Oh, come ON! What the hell? Nothing's going on guys, just....stop staring...I thought awkwardly, and in vain, because I knew they couldn't hear my thoughts. I glared at them and they looked away like nothing ever happened.

   I looked back at Shoto. "Um....hey, if I said anything to offend you or-" Just then the bell rang. He stood up and forced a smile before leaving me all alone.

   Was it.....his father? Is that why he's so upset?

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now