The End of the Road...

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(Todoroki's POV)

   I carried Y/N to the infirmary, with Uraraka, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu following close behind. I laid Y/N down on the bed. Recovery Girl looked startled and confused. "What happened this time?" she asked. Then she looked at Y/N. "Ah....Alright, leave her here." she said, standing from her seat. "Um...May I stay? Until she wakes up, at least..." Yaoyorozu cast me a strange glance. Is...she jealous? I pondered. I shook away the thought. This isn't the time for silly things like that. I told myself. Recovery Girl allowed me to stay with Y/N while the rest of the other students left. 

   I can't believe I didn't notice before....If she dies, it'll be all my fault. I don't think I could possibly live knowing that she died because of me. I thought, guilt plaguing my mind like the flowers growing inside of Y/N. I couldn't keep my mind off of it. It was my fault, after all. No matter what anyone said, I knew it was true. Because I didn't see the signs. I kept sending her mixed signals. I kept treating her like a second resort. I tried to ignore my feelings so that I wouldn't get hurt. And all of this only ended up hurting her.

   For a while, I only watched Y/N sleep (Totally NOT creepy at all). She looked rather calm and peaceful. But soon, I fell asleep too. I only awoke when I heard her stirring in her sleep. I hovered over her calmly as she opened her eyes.

(Y/N's POV)

   I'd awoken in the infirmary, blinking exhaustion out of my eyes. As soon as the blurriness faded, I'd noticed Todoroki hovering above me. I looked around the room. "You're...alone?" I asked quietly. "No....You're here with me." he pointed out. I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. "That's not what I meant, and you know it..." But he didn't seem to listen, because soon after, he pulled me into a tight, warm embrace. "Agh!" "Shh...I'm so sorry...I didn't notice before..." he whispered, and I swear to God I heard his voice crack slightly. Turns out, I was right, because soon after, I felt tears dampen my sleeve. I hugged him back, trying to comfort him. "I-it's not your fault, Sho....I was being stupid..." I murmured. He backed away slightly and stared into my eyes. I stared back.

   "Being stupid?" he started. "You weren't being stupid, Y/N.." he murmured. "I'm sorry if i made you think that. can tell me anything. We're best friends, right?" he asked. I felt my world shattering when he said that. Right.....friends. It's not like I'm literally DYING for you, Sho...I thought angrily. You figured out what I'd been so desperately trying to hide from you....and you still think it's alright to toy with me like this? I was so angry that I didn't even notice the tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away as I pushed Todoroki further away with my hands. "I...I wanna be alone right now, Sho...Can you...please leave?" I asked. He looked hurt by my request, but I didn't care. If I could let him experience, in any way, the pain he made me feel, I would. Even just a bit.

   I hated that he sent so many mixed signals to me. One minute, he was super close to me, hugging me or comforting me, and the next, he was standing at a reasonable distance talking about our friendship. Like I would never be anything more to him. And I could see that now. I held back a cough and pushed him away from me. He backed out of the room, finally turning away. I was alone. Utterly alone. But I made him leave. So he wouldn't have to be here.....when I....I couldn't think anymore. All I could feel was the scratching of the prickly needle-like thorns clawing their way out of my throat, piercing my lungs. I felt like I was suffocating...

(Todoroki's POV)

   I walked slowly through the empty hall. I lied to her. I lied to myself. I just made it worse. I told her we were friends. But...

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now