Day 1 of Real Hell, But At Least It's With You!

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   (A/N: I've been receiving a lot of comments about the awful costume, and looking back on it, I really don't like it that much either, but do you know how hard it was to find something suitable? I spent TWO HOURS searching google for something cute and unique. If you have any better ideas, lemme know, because this is literally a pain in the ass to deal with at the moment. TwT) 

   "And so I was like, 'Deku, you have a really cool quirk, but it's not worth it if you only get hurt!' And he was like, "Oh, no, Uraraka, I'm fine, really...'" Uraraka went on again on our way to school but my mind, as usual, was on something else. She seemed to notice and tapped me on the shoulder (as everyone does to you, just cuz). I snapped out of it. "Oh no, did I do it again? I swear I don't mean to ignore you! My mind just wandered off to something! I'm sorry!" I apologized quickly out of habit. "You're good! I'm just wondering...What's on your mind all the time?" she smirked and I groaned inwardly. "Oh, just the usual-" I started, only to be abruptly cut off by her excited chatter. "So, it's Todoroki, isn't it??" I stared at her, my face growing steadily redder. 

   "E-eh? No! Uraraka, why are you so mean to me?" I pouted. She poked my arm teasingly and laughed. "It's only 'cause your reactions are so funny!" I huffed irritably as we got to the entrance of the school and entered the hallway. 

   (Time Skip cuz normal boring classes are meh you know?)

   "Finally time for the FUN classes!" Hagakure exclaimed. We all nodded (and by we I mean the normal group; You, Uraraka, Ashido, Hagakure, Momo, and Jiro. You can also include Asui). We entered the classroom and took our seats. My eyes wandered over to Todoroki. He was sitting in his seat silently. Maybe I should go talk to him...I thought, and started to stand as Asui poked my arm. "Huh?" I stopped. "Class is starting, Y/N, kero..." she murmured. I sat down, slightly disappointed. Oh well. Maybe later.

   Just then, a large, muscular figure burst through the door, yelling. At first, it was just a blur of red, yellow, white, and blue, and when I focused on it, I realized it was All Might, the Number One hero in the WORLD!! 

   "Woah, All Might?!" was the first comment. "Is that his Silver-Age costume?" someone asked. "I'm getting chills. It's so retro!" another said. The chatter filled the room before All Might hushed us. "Hello, students! Today we will be doing battle training!" he exclaimed in his deep voice. "Put on your hero costumes and meet me outside!" he said. Everyone started chatting excitedly, and I joined in. "Oh my gosh, a chance to finally show off our hero costumes!!" Ashido exclaimed. I nodded. "Yeah, but mine's not all that flashy...." Hagakure said sadly. "Well, with your quirk, that's an advantage!" I said, trying to make her feel better. "But I'll never stand out!" she pointed out. I shrugged. "Being born with a stealth quirk, that's better for you. You're meant to blend in. Don't worry, you'll see eventually that your quirk and your costume will make you a better hero!" I told her, smiling. She smiled back (or at least I assume she did, I can't see it :p). "You're right about that, I guess...Thanks!" she said gratefully. I nodded.

   Might as well get to changing....

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*A/N: These are your hero costume choices

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*A/N: These are your hero costume choices. The hair thing in the first one is totally optional, and you can change the colors, patterns, or small details if you wish. You can add shoes, btw. I was thinking maybe those really cute kinds that are like, flats with vines going up your legs? Maybe something like that, idk. Both costume choices come with this cute headset btw.*

   I felt kind of awkward revealing so much skin in this costume, but it went so well with my quirk, so I guess it's alright

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   I felt kind of awkward revealing so much skin in this costume, but it went so well with my quirk, so I guess it's alright...

   I blushed as the other girls complimented my outfit. "Wow! That's so fricking adorable, Y/N!" Uraraka said, smiling. "Yeah, it's really nature-y!" Hagakure added. "Better watch out for Mineta though..." Momo pointed out. "He's a" she started. "Girl crazy?" Ashido suggested. "Yeah...that's a nice way to put it..." Momo said. "Oh, thanks.....You guys have really cool costumes too! I should have been more specific about how much skin I wanted to show, though...this is kinda....." I smiled awkwardly.

   "At least it looks nice!" Jiro said. "Mine's kinda boring, to be honest..." she pouted. "Aw, no way! I think it looks really cool! Besides, it looks much easier to move around in. And more comfortable." I smiled. She smiled back and we started to head out, still talking about costumes. 

   Everyone else was already walking outside with us, so we all got outside around the same time. I jumped as someone tapped my shoulder (Which is getting kind of old now lol). I turned my head. "S-Sho! Hi!" I turned completely around and faced him. His costume looked really cool. There was a plain white shirt and matching pants and there was ice covering his whole left side. Oh...he's using it to cover up his fire side...I thought. "Cool costume..." he said quietly, slightly blushing. "O-oh! Thanks! You too!" I smiled warmly. "Yeah, thanks......" he replied.

   All Might met up with us at last, and he explained what we'd be doing. "Alright, class! Today we're doing two-on-two battle training! Basically, there will be two teams; a hero team and a villain team. The villain team will guard a weapon on a random floor and the hero team will try to beat the villains by taking the weapon or capturing the villains. We'll draw lots to decide our teams." 

   I ended up with...

   Wait, what?!

   My partner is....Sho? Oh gosh....

   I looked at my feet awkwardly as he came to stand next to me. 

   He smiled slightly. "Guess we're partners!" he said.


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