What's Wrong With Me?

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   I fell to my knees, coughing. My whole body shook as the coughs got worse. "Oh my god!! Y/N! What's wrong!?" Yaoyorozu asked, her voiced quick and panicked. I tried to talk, but I felt something caught in my throat, and instead of words, more coughs came out. I covered my mouth with my hand and stood weakly, rushing to the bathroom as I coughed something up.

   I locked myself in a stall and the coughing, which had stopped briefly, started up again. Several delicate pink flower petals fell from my lips and I stared at them in shock.

   No......No...NO! I know what this is! But...why? Tears welled in my eyes and streamed down my face. I don't feel that way....there's no way...I told myself. I held my head in my hands and cried. The coughing had stopped, but I still felt a heaviness in my chest. Like something was constricting my breathing. "Even if I did....it's not that big a deal.." I whispered to myself, pulling myself up. I heard the bathroom door open and several rushed footsteps along with it. "Y/N! Where are you?!" I heard the familiar voice of my friend, Uraraka, call out to me. "I'm in here.." I said weakly. I flushed the toilet, making sure all the petals were gone. Then I opened the stall door. All my friends were standing in front of me.

   "Oh my god! Y/N! There's blood on your mouth!" Ashido exclaimed. Oh, damn it...I wiped it away. "Is there really? Huh...didn't notice...." I said. They stared at me with a puzzled look as I started to walk out. Then it happened again. I started choking on the flower petals in my throat. I fell to my knees once again and coughed, my whole body trembling violently. "What's wrong with her?!" Jiro asked. "I...I don't know.." Momo replied. They helped me stand up and we left the bathrooms. As soon as we exited, Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki were standing there, waiting for us. I saw Sho and the coughing only got worse. 

   I looked away. "Y/N...." he started. I coughed again, catching the pale pink petals in my hand so nobody would see them. Todoroki rushed to my side and grabbed my hand, but I pulled it away. I shook my head. Tears were building up in my eyes again. He stayed silent for a moment and then stepped back. "Sorry....I'll let Recovery Girl handle that, then..." he said. Midoriya and Iida, along with my other friends, took me to Recovery Girl's office. 

   "Oh, dear...I'll need the rest of you to leave while I examine Y/N.." she said when we got there. "What? But something really bad is going on! We can't leave her!" Hagakure said, concern for her friend getting the best of her. "Well, if it's as bad as you all say, then she'll need some time alone to recover. Now go on." Recovery Girl said once more as she pushed them out. 

   She turned to me and I finally took my hand away from my mouth, letting the soft pink, blood-stained petals fall into my lap. She watched, shocked. "I know what's wrong with me...I don't need anyone to tell me. I just need to know...why it's happening...I don't love him....I can't....there's...no way.." I said, trying to hold back tears. But the more I held them back, the more they threatened to spill. She looked up at me, smiling sympathetically. "It's alright, dear. If you don't mind....who is it that made you like this?" she asked curiously. I shut my eyes tight.

   "Shoto Todoroki." I said, finally coming to terms with my emotions.

*A/N: I know this a/n is awkwardly placed, but I just wanna apologize. I know this chapter was rather short compared to the last few, but I had to leave it on a cliff-hanger, y'know, as I do with every chapter, and I just thought that that spot would be the best part to leave off at. Thx for understanding. ^w^*

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now