It'll Get Better....

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   It's been about a week since Y/N's untimely passing, and nothing strange happened after the first night. I hadn't seen any ghosts or heard any voices, so I came to the conclusion that I was just overwhelmed that night. Fuyumi had forced me out of my room, saying that if I kept myself locked away from the rest of the world, I'd only get worse. She was scared that I might become depressed or something. So, to ease her concerns, I started going out of the house at least once a day. Of course, there was still school to worry about, but Fuyumi called in and spoke to Mr. Aizawa. Then she told me he'd excuse me from classes for two weeks, to let me recover. 

   But no matter what I did, I still felt lost. Fuyumi tried everything to get my mind off of everything that had happened in the past few days, but nothing worked. Even my father tried things, but I just ignored him. I knew he didn't really care how I felt, and he only wanted to help so that his plans wouldn't be thwarted. 

   I'd half-expected to wake up one day, feeling totally normal. I'd go to school and see her again, smiling her bright, cheerful smile like she used to when we were kids. But instead, I woke up every day with the world weighing down on my shoulders, so heavy it was like it was trying to break me apart. 

   I had the same routine every day. Wake up, throw something on, eat, go outside, walk around, go home, shower, eat, sleep. Day after day. It never changed. I didn't talk to anyone. I avoided eye contact at all costs, and even avoided being around people. Of course, avoiding everyone completely was inevitable...

   I woke up one morning, following the same routine I'd been doing for days. Once I left the house, I felt somewhat at peace, the warm, gentle breeze ruffling my hair. I walked along the sidewalk, staring at the ground. Before I knew it, I heard voices in front of me and looked up. There stood my classmates, smiles on their faces as they looked at me. Despite their seemingly cheerful demeanors, I could see the glitter of concern in their eyes. 

   "Don't bother." I mumbled, turning my head away. 

   Kirishima walked closer, his smile fading as he rested his hand on my shoulder. "C'mon man. I know this hurts, but it's not gonna get any better if you just lock yourself away all the time. You need to clear your head." He said. 

   "Shitty-hair's right." I heard a voice say. Bakugo stepped up. "You think that sitting in a dark room all day will make you feel better? Stop being a dumbass. You're not gonna feel better if you force yourself to think about it all the time. Doing that will screw with your head."

   I blinked. Bakugo was trying to comfort me? For some reason, a small chuckle came out of my mouth. I covered my face with my hands and started laughing quietly. Bakugo stared at me in confusion.

   "What the hell?"

   "Todoroki? Are you okay...?" I heard Midoriya ask. I stopped laughing and looked at them, somewhat relieved. "That was....probably the most surprising things I've ever heard..." I said quietly, a very faint smile on my face. I saw everyone's smiles stretch across their faces again. "C'mon, dude. We're going to an amusement park today. Don't make us feel sad." Kaminari said from behind Midoriya. 

   "An....amusement park..? What about school?" I asked. 

   "That is nothing to worry about, Todoroki. Mr. Aizawa has given us permission to come and comfort you for a day." Iida said, waving his arm in the air as he always did. 

   "....I don't really feel like-"

   "C'mon, Icy-Hot. If you don't go, this whole thing will be pointless. Don't make us waste our efforts. Some of us could have easily been doing something else right now. " Bakugo grumbled.

   I chuckled softly. "........How can I say no to that..?" I replied, somewhat sarcastically. Even so, everyone smiled cheerfully. Midoriya grabbed my arm and pulled me along with the group, and we went on our way.

   "Don't worry, man. It'll get better." I heard Kirishima murmur to me. I gave a small smile, feeling that, however small of an act it might have been, it lifted some of the weight on my heart.

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now