It's Him Again...

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   I could never forget that hair...and his that..


   Clearly he recognized me too, since his eyes widened when he saw me. He opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it and looked away. Uraraka noticed me look at him. She smiled maliciously. "Oh, no, no, Uraraka, you've got it all wrong-" she pulled me aside as I spoke. "So, the class flower boy caught your eye, huh?" she said, grinning. "No, you really don't understand....we were..." She stopped me, her eyes widening. 

   "Were you two together or something??" she asked out of the blue. I looked away, flustered. "Of course not...." I mumbled. She looked crest-fallen. "Aw, then what is it?? C'mon, you've gotta tell me!!" Soon, Ashido and Jiro found us and came closer. "What's going on?" Ashido asked. "U-uh, nothing!" I waved my arms around in front of me dismissively, my face growing redder each passing moment. "Trust me, there's nothing wrong! Uraraka, you've misunderstood our relationship. He and I were...childhood best friends.....I was just surprised to see him after so long..." I mumbled the last part softly.

   Ashido and Jiro looked at Uraraka in confusion. "Wait, who?" Jiro asked, as Toru Hagakure, another girl in our class and a friend of Ashido's, came up behind them as well. I looked at her and greeted her, hoping that would distract the others from making me answer Jiro's question. "Oh, hi guys! This is beyond exciting, right? And the other students in the class are so nice!" she said as Katsuki Bakugo, a hot-headed and aggressive porcupine-head with blond hair, yelled angrily at a tall boy with neat blue hair and glasses. "Well....most of them...ehe." We all nodded and Jiro turned back to me. I groaned inwardly and looked back innocently, hoping she would give up if she thought I'd forgotten what we were talking about. 

   "So...Y/N, who were you talking about?" Jiro asked. "A-ah!'s really nothing important..." I mumbled, fiddling with a strand of my H/C hair and looking away awkwardly. And to make matters worse, I noticed that Shoto was standing from his seat and heading towards us. 

   Oh gosh.... I felt my face grow hotter as I saw how different he looked. He was kinda cute- WAIT what I am thinking?! I pinched my arm to snap myself out of it and tried to compose myself. I looked at the girls instead to get my mind off of him and when I looked back towards his direction, he wasn't there. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. 

   I whipped around, startled, and there he was. 

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now