A Break From Despair

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   We continued along, sometimes stopping at window shops to look inside at the goods they contained. Yaoyorozu and Ashido came across a cute purse laying on a purple velvet cushion. They debated on who would get it, and eventually Yaoyorozu let Ashido have it when she came across a cute frilly pale blue blouse instead. We had a good time and, to my surprise, I'd nearly forgotten about my previous state of frenzied despair.

   We'd gotten to the gates of the amusement park at last.

   "Look at that!" I heard Hagakure exclaim, pointing towards a large, twisting roller coaster. "It's the new ride, The Devil's Lair! We have to go on that!" she squealed excitedly. I chuckled at her  antics, inspecting the ride from afar. It had many twists and turns, and a steep drop that led into a long, dark tunnel. The tunnel was followed by yet another drop into a tall, looming building surrounded by fake flames and black lights. I got distracted and turned my attention back to my friends, following them inside as we bought our tickets and took our first few steps into the amusement park. 

   We stood in a huddle, and almost immediately everyone started arguing about where to start. I let them go on, not really giving a single damn about where we started. I sat down on a nearby bench and waited for everyone to decide where to go.

   "Aw, c'mon, I really wanna have some sweets before we go anywhere!" Ashido whined. 

   "That's a terrible idea. If we eat before going on any rides, we'll have a larger chance of getting stomach-sick." Iida replied, waving his hands around. 

   "Why don't we go to the souvenir shops first, then?" Yaoyorozu suggested, pointing at some shops. 

   "Aw, those are super boring!" Hagakure pouted. 

   "But look at those cute plushies!" Yaoyorozu argued, pointing her finger at a large plush panda hung on a wall through a window. Hagakure sighed. 

   "It IS super cute..." she frowned. 

   "We should just go chill over there and listen to the music. We can just chat and do our own thing." Jiro shrugged. 

   "Well, that sounds even MORE boring than the shops!" Ashido replied. 

   "Guys..." Midoriya started, trying to get their attention. Everyone ignored him and continued arguing. "Uhm, guys?" He repeated awkwardly. 

   "We should start with that epic roller coaster over there! It'll be awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed. Hagakure nodded vigorously. "Yeah, yeah! Let's do that!" she said excitedly. 

   "Guy-" Midoriya tried one last time before he was abruptly cut short. 

   "EVERYONE!" Uraraka's voice yelled out. Everyone stopped talking and turned their heads to her. "Huh..?"

   "Deku's trying to say something! Stop your incessant blabbering and listen!" she frowned. Everyone turned to Midoriya and he looked away awkwardly. "M-maybe we should ask Todoroki what he wants to do....We came here to cheer him up, after all.." he suggested quietly.

   Everyone stared and thought about his idea. "That's fair." Jiro was the first to speak up. 

   "Yeah, I guess. It'd be totally UN-manly to force him to do whatever we wanted at his own cheer-up party..." Kirishima agreed.

   Everyone else nodded and turned towards me. "So, Icy-Hot? What'll it be? Choose wisely." Bakugo grumbled, his red-hot glare piercing through me. I stared right back, unfazed, as I thought to myself. 

   "What'll it be? Uhm.....I guess....I'd like to do whatever anyone else wants...But..." I started.

   "Well, that's not very helpful." Kaminari muttered, earning himself an elbow to the stomach from Jiro. "Ow!" He pouted. "Shush." Jiro hushed him irritably. 

   "Midoriya seems to be the one with all the ideas here. Therefore, since I'm indecisive, he can decide for me." I shrugged. Midoriya looked taken aback, glancing around from one person to another and twiddling his fingers nervously. 

   "Aha, I guess, uhm...We can split up into groups...And rotate around the amusement park..." Everyone stared at him, bewildered. 

   "Wow...That's actually a really good idea!" Hagakure exclaimed, jumping from one foot to another. Ashido and Jiro nodded, and everyone else murmured in agreement. 

   "SO. Now we only have to decide who's going where. I'll be going to the roller coasters, so any of you nerds who wanna come with me can follow along, I guess." Bakugo grumbled. Ashido and Kirishima huddled around him. 

   "Right....so that's decided, then." Midoriya mumbled. "Well, I'm headed to the souvenir shops. Who's coming?" Yaoyorozu smiled brightly. Uraraka and Hagakure joined her group. 

   "Second group down...Jiro, you wanted to chill over there, right? I'll go with you." Kaminari said, shrugging as he pointed towards several tables and chairs sitting under the bright sun outside of an ice cream bar. 

   "Fine by me." Jiro shrugged.

   "Great. So I'm assuming we'll be getting food later right?" Midoriya asked. Everyone nodded in unison. "Okay...So that only leaves Me, Iida, and you, Todoroki. Where do you wanna go?" Midoriya asked me.

   "Um....I dunno...I was thinking maybe....the.....ice cream bar..." I said quietly. 

   "Great, so you're coming with us, huh?" Kaminari asked. I shrugged. "Actually, I just wanted some ice cream." I replied.

   "Sounds good to me!" Midoriya smiled. I gave a small smile back before looking down at my lap. My classmates -no, my friends- did all of this just to cheer me up. They took a break from school to help me feel better. 

   And I think it's working.

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now