First Impressions-Wait, What?!

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   "I hope you have a good first day, sweetie!" My mother said from behind me as I finished tying my hair in a pretty yellow ribbon behind me. I stood at the door, hugging her as I smiled. "I hope so too..." I said.

   I had made it into UA, the prestigious high-school for talented heroes-in-training. And now, I was going to run full-speed towards my goal of becoming the best hero I can possibly be; for me, for my family, and for the rest of the world and the ones I love. 

   I threw my F/C backpack over my shoulder and waved a final goodbye before stepping out the door and onwards towards my future. This is it! My first day at UA! I wonder what the people there are like? Are the teachers nice? Maybe I'll meet some of my old friends from my old town....Maybe-

   My thoughts were abruptly cut off as I bumped into someone. I looked up. A cute girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks looked back. "...." I remained silent and then realized what happened. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!" I said, bowing (as anime girls do haha) apologetically. 

   "Oh, no sweat! It's fine!" she smiled at me and I stood, smiling back slightly. "I'm Ochako Uraraka! Are you headed to UA too?" she asked, noticing my uniform. "Oh, yeah!" I replied eagerly. I guess I was so distracted that I didn't even realize she was wearing the same uniform....

"Great! Well, we can walk together, if you'd like! What class do you have?" she asked curiously. I thought back to the schedule I'd received and replied. "I think it's class 1-A..." Her eyes brightened. "Oh, wow! We have the same class! Isn't that lucky?" I nodded my head politely, watching my steps so I wouldn't bump into anyone again. "Hey,you never did introduce yourself! What's your name?" she asked. "Oh, right, sorry....I'm Y/N L/N! It's nice to meet you!" I extended my hand to her and she grabbed it and she grabbed it and shook it, laughing lightly. "Oh, hey guess what? I heard that one of the top heroes' children is going to be in our class!! Isn't that exciting?" Uraraka exclaimed. My eyes widened. "Wow, really? That's...." My voice trailed off as my mind spun with thoughts. "Also, there's this really nice plain-looking boy in our class! He saved me from a giant robot....." 

   She went on, but my mind wandered away for a moment as I thought of something. "Y/N?" she prodded me on the shoulder gently. "Oh, gosh! Sorry! I wasn't ignoring you! I mean, not on purpose, I just-" Uraraka giggled. "It's fine. But are you okay? You seem to be thinking really hard about something..." she looked concerned. "No...I'm just thinking..." Suddenly we arrived at the school grounds. We hurried into the school and came across our class at last. I took a deep breath.

   "Are you nervous?" Uraraka asked me. I nodded slightly. She patted my shoulder comfortingly. "Oh, don't worry! I'm sure everyone here is nice! Personally, I can't WAIT to meet everyone! You can sit by me, if it'll make you more comfortable!" she gave me a smile and I sent one back. "Sounds great. Thanks!"

   She opened the door for me and I walked in looking around. Everyone sitting in the classroom looked towards us and I went still. "Uhm....hi....." I mumbled to everyone. They all smiled at me. A pink-skinned girl with matching pink hair and small horns walked up, with another blue-haired girl behind her. "Hiya! I'm Mina Ashido! This is Kyoka Jiro! Are you excited for the first day? Because we sure are! This is gonna be great! I can't wait to show off my quirk to everyone!"

   The pink girl introduced herself, then the blue-haired girl after that. I introduced myself to them once they finished. "I'm Y/N L/N! It's nice to meet all of yo-"

   Then I saw him.

Reminiscence (Todoroki x Reader Hanahaki) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now