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"We are going to teach you how to be a Watcher. A perfect Watcher. Does anyone know what a Watcher's job is?" Instructor Aquinternal asked the class on the first day of class (after Yavin's terrifying introduction). No one raised their hand. Quinn clapped his hands together with a smile on his face, excited to explain.

"Well, you'll learn today. A Watcher, like myself, is someone who keeps the players of multiplayer servers under control. There is always at least one Watcher in each server, though there can be two." He said, walking around in the front of the room. "Understand?" Most nodded. "Good. Now, every six or so years we teach new Watchers. Time depends on the generation's learning skills. It is not by age. There are some of you that are fifteen years old, and others are twenty-two." He stopped near his desk.

"Just a year before this, we were teaching advanced Watchers. They were at the end of their learning time. Now, we are starting new." He gently smiled. "At the end of your learning/training, you will receive a forever gift from us. But, we will keep that secret for now." He said with a cheesy wink. Many chuckled at his teaching style. It was better than what I've had in the past, coming from a university.

"Before I go on, any questions? Is anyone confused, totally lost, and/or have no idea what's going on?" He asked, looking around. One person, I believe her name was Teriova, raised her hand.

"Yes, Teriova?" Quinn asked. The girl slowly lowered her amber colored hand, brushing the curly dark hair out of her face.

"If there is supposed to be one in each server, why aren't you in one?" She inquired. Quinn nodded encouragingly.

"Great question! I did watch over a server for a while, but got an invitation to work here and help others. I'm a little different from the others, as you may be able to see." He smirked. "The others are a little more strict, as they should be. I'm just here to help you learn, nothing else. Unless you need to talk, that's always an option." He said. He set something back on his desk laying it flat.

"Moving on, Instructor Yavin probably told you the general rules, correct?" We nodded. "Good. Sometimes he forgets. Must be his age." Quinn jokes. I heard a snort from the back of the class, causing everyone else to break into quiet laughter.

"Anyway," Continued Quinn, after getting the class back under control. "In the next few years, you should start to look forward to is-

"Focus, Xelqua!" Yavin yelled, shaking me from my flashback that took place two years ago. My hearing sharpened, the sounds of magic reaching my ears. My eyes were squeezed shut, an attempt to block out the distractions around me. I was slowly crumbling under the magical resistance.

"I'm trying, Instructor!" I grunt back, opening my eyes. Perspiration rolled from my neck and down my back as the setting of a courtyard filled my vision. My arms shook as I strained to hold up the shield that protected me from the blast of my Instructor's fatal magic. Of course, it was toned down quite a lot, but it was still deadly.

From my knees, I staggered to a standing position. Yavin narrowed his eyes as I pushed back. Our robes dramatically flared, waving back in the wind that was created by our colliding magic. The purple beam from Yavin's hands started getting shorter as my magic resisted. My magic extended from the shield, slowly but surely over taking Yavin's. It got to the point where it was about to completely destroy Yavin's beam.

"Enough." He commanded. I stopped and stepped out of the way, robes following with a wave. A small shot of his magic flew past my ear. He always does this. Yavin nodded in approval, but frowned at the situation. He adjusted his clothing, the golden hem of his robes reflecting the light produced by lanterns.

"What happened there?" He questioned, tilting his head. I met his eyes which were slightly hidden by his hood.

"A flashback." I shortly answered. Yavin raised an eyebrow.


"First day. Nothing really." I reply, pushing the front of the robes behind me. It would not do to trip over them. Especially when all my classmates are watching me on the outskirts of the courtyard. As I stumbled towards my spot, I heard one of the idiots taunting me.

"Is that all Xelqua had to block? That is as easy as breaking wood with a fist." Fayndenhue snickered, glancing towards me. Some other classmates laughed, which I ignored. I sat back down near Zach, flopping onto my back with exhaustion.

The taunts continued with me only ignoring them. Yavin scoffed, smirking at the students.

"Come here." Yavin demanded, pointing to an area on the grass blocks away from where he stood. Faydenhue huffed and sauntered to that area. Yavin shot a beam towards him, which Faydenhue struggled to put a shield up. He didn't say anything, and even pretended that it was easy.

"Tch, this is easy." Faydenhue lied, a drop of sweat dripping to the floor.

"Do you want me to do what I did to him?" Yavin offered, mischievously grinning.

"Oh, absolutely. This is as easy as-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was thrown to the endstone floor. His shield had crumbled like sand, and Yavin's purple magic hit him in the chest.

"That," Yavin sneered, turning to the group. "was only a fourth of what Xelqua blocked. What Xelqua blocked all my magic toned down by two. You should be able to do that by Year Four. You are in Year Two. Does anyone want to try and not make a fool of themselves?" Silence doned the area as they looked at me with mixed reactions.

"Everyone went. Correct?" Yavin continued. Silently nodding, everyone looked away. "We're done for the day. Leave." I stumbled away, getting away from everyone as quickly as possible. I just wanted to leave and be away from their stares. Zachariah tried to stop me by grabbing my arm, but I pushed him away. I dashed through the halls, knowing the huge place like the back of my hand. I secretly stroll through these corridors at night when I can't sleep. If I get caught... bad things will happen.

After running for a few minutes, I slowed to a walk. No one had followed me.

I burst through the door of an isolated room far from the main activity. No one should find me here. There were many rooms like these, made with the endstone bricks and purpur pillars. Of course, my eyes weren't okay for the first few days, but I got used to them.

I put my hands on the windowsill, gazing outside at the endless void. I only have to suffer a few more years in the place. It's school all over again.

It's not bad in the way how things work. I enjoy learning. I enjoy the magic. I enjoy the experience. I don't enjoy the people.

I set my forehead on the cold windowsill, sighing. I miss home, but I have nothing from there. I reached to my chest, feeling the ring that hung around my neck. I ripped the Watcher robes off me, throwing them to the ground in a heap. They are nothing special. They're just black and dark purple colored clothing that was easy to trip in.

I pulled the ring from under my red sweatshirt, which I'm not supposed to wear under the robes. I examined the gem embedded in the ring. Blurry memories flooded my mind, but I couldn't distinguish what took place in them. Without warning, a few silent tears slipped out the corner of my eyes. How could I have fallen this far and forget memories with my best friend?

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I gathered my robes again. Haphazardly slipping them on again, I tucked the ring back in my shirt and walked out the room without looking back.

I started towards another 'secret' room. This room was a little closer to our living quarters. I pictured what it looked like. There was a fake tree that looked realistic. Grass covered the uneven floor, flowers peppering the surface. Windows made up most of the wall, but it was so high in the sky that you would never see up there from the end island.

The heavy double doors came into view. Without stopping, I pushed the doors open with a quiet grunt.

I suddenly stopped, heart skipping a beat. Someone else in there also. I didn't know someone else knew this place. It was far from the quarters we stayed in.

But that's not what surprised me.

How did Zachariah and I not run into each other when we came here?

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