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(hA the epilogue is finished already)

I love flying over the server for many reasons.

I could point to a building and recall what it looked like as it was being built. I could land on the roof of a building and remember when it was just an empty field. I could stand on the highest surface of my base and remember when it was just a cobblestone platform.

Oh, the nostalgia. Such a great thing to experience.

My gaze turned downwards, looking down into the vast ocean. I could see small movements of fish, dolphins, turtles, and the occasional drowned. I could see shipwrecks peppered along the floor of the ocean. Ruins throughout the water bubbled with it's magma blocks and was swarmed with it's drowned. The kelp and seaweed patches (along with the wildlife) brought life to the once dull and boring sea, finally giving the ocean more of a personality than just gravel and an occasional monument.

Familiar as it was because my base is in the middle of the ocean, it still held the same amount of mystery as it did in the beginning. Without a conduit, it was like walking through a dark room you have never been in. It was dangerous. Every once in a while, a trident would almost impale one of your body parts, scaring the life out of you. You might get pulled down by a magma block and drown from trying to swim back up with no success. You might brush against a pufferfish, poisoning you as you swam in the depths of the sea.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I focused on my breathing as I slowly glided in the air. Sometimes being in the air was literally breathtaking. Maybe the wind in my hair, my clothes ruffling, the cold air hitting my face. The only downside of flying was the fact your eyes water if you go fast enough, but eventually you get used to it (or wear something on your face).

The lush green grass appeared in the distance. The coastline finally became visible, buildings dotting the land. Contrary to the Shopping District I had just left, these buildings were one build style. Grey walls with purple roofs or purple accents.

Mission accomplished, I found False's base.

It's not like I was aimlessly flying around, hoping I would eventually see it.

My eyes swept the entire area. It was a sight to behold. Flowers and crops gave color to the boring green grass and grey walls. Around the large buildings were smaller ones, strongly resembling a medieval town.

Which it probably was.

I pushed upwards, gaining altitude to see everything. I couldn't spot False anywhere in sight. She was either in her base or on the server somewhere else. I circled high, scanning the area. Landing on the clock tower, I crouched like a predator looking for prey while the sun beat down on my back. I waited for a few minutes. It wouldn't hurt as we weren't on a strict schedule.

I eventually jumped onto the roof of the large circular build. It was the center of the base and where False keeps most of her belongings (or so I assume). I spread my wings out and glided down the circular hole, occasionally flapping so I had enough time to look between the ledges.

"Grian?" False called out, walking into the open area in the lowest part of her base. Flapping wings are quite loud, I guess. She looked up towards me as I fell, retracting my wings into my back a few blocks off the ground. I landed with a quiet thump, meeting her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me," I said. She stepped out of the shadows and into the circle of light that I stood in. False gave me a half-hearted smile, aimlessly fiddling with the seams of her green jacket. I noticed she had slight bags under her eyes. Her hair was slightly tangled, but not as obvious as her wrinkled clothing.

"Not been sleeping?" I asked. She shook her head in response. I sighed. One day I'm going to force everyone to actually sleep.

Looking back towards False, I slightly pulled away. Maybe it was the lighting or I just never noticed it, but there was a faint line on her face that was not natural. It went horizontally across her face and was under her eyes, traveling over the middle of her nose. Another line that is parallel to the first dragged across her forehead. Both lines gave the impression of a simple masquerade mask, and was ever so slightly darker than her normal skin tone.

"Where the mask was before it was taken off," False said, noticing me staring. "So... yeah, I'm sure you heard who helped me." I hummed in response. I remembered the conversation between her and Quinn when she dragged him to safety. False and I stood there for a few silent and awkward seconds. She then adjusted the goggles on her head, almost as a nervous habit.

"So, how can I help you today? I assume you didn't come here just for that?" She asked, leaning against a pillar that held a water stream from flooding everywhere. I nodded, shifting my weight to the other foot.

"I need your help. We have to stop the Watchers," I started. I clapped my hands together, the sound echoing through her base. Her eyebrow arched up. "So because of that, I made a plan-"

"Oh no," False said. I snorted at her reaction, shaking my head. It was valid, as most of my plans aren't the brightest or thought out at all. The corner of False's lips twitched upwards for barely a second. She quietly chuckled before gesturing for me to continue.

"Are you okay with going back to the Facility only one more time?" I asked. False must have not expected that question since she crossed her arms and lowered her eyebrows suspiciously.

"Well, it depends on what we're going to do," she said. I slipped my hands into the pockets of my sweater. A smirk graced my lips.

"Somehow effectively destroy the building. I do have a few ideas," I added. False grinned, delight shining in her eyes.

"Oh, I do like the sound of that. I have always wanted to destroy that stupid Facility," she said. "What were you thinking?" False stepped closer, one hand on the hilt of the sword strapped to her belt.

"There was something someone said to me during training." I looked at her with a mischievous grin and an excited glint in my eyes. "Little did they know it was going to bite them in the butt."

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