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(ill just say i have many broken pieces of chapters in my phone's notepad. I had the second half of this prepared. i love you, my readers. <3)

I scrambled to the door, peering out the window holes. The hall was vacant, as it usually is.

I squatted down and picked the dagger off the ground, fumbling with it. My shaky hands eventually grasped the hilt.

A note fell to the floor, softly hitting the floor with a pat. I squinted at the contents, trying to distinguish the writing. The handwriting was not recognizable. It was messy, but very legible.

I was not supposed to heal you at all. I apologize about the ribs and ankle, however, your wings will be more helpful when you get back. Hide them once you get into the server. I numbed the remaining pain, you have fifteen minutes before the pain comes back.

I stared at the note for a few moments. Can I really trust them?

Valuable time is ticking, Grian.

I turned the blade inwards, trying pitifully to cut the ropes. I cut through the thick ropes as quickly as I could, which wasn't that quick.

I gasped as they fell to the floor, magic and energy surging through my body. I strained to keep it under control. My aura instantly lit the room up. A drop of sweat rolled down the back of my neck as the magic exploded inside of me.

I drew the magic in as best as I could, decreasing the brightness of the aura. It was much more than it was before I was brought here. My magic is still steadily growing.

Without a second thought, I put a hand on the door handle. The knob melted in my hand with a golden spark. I took a deep breath. Thank goodness the healer numbed my ribs and ankle.

I poked my head into the hall, glancing for potential dangers. An ender chest was in the corner of the hall. I dashed to it, throwing the lid open.

My sword and the ban hammer laid on the top, right where I left them. I snatched them, along with everything in the chest. I sloppily organized them, just like my 'storage system'.

If I traveled through the portal correctly, I should still have my items. This place is also nearly connected to every world and server.

I limped through the halls, making as little noise as I could. I peaked around the corner every time I passed an opening. I snuck around, not wanting to get caught and thrown back into that cell. Just thinking about it made me shiver, though I still was.

After about thirteen minutes of stealthily sneaking through the halls, (clocks are the best once you can see them), the portal came into view. It was a large circular shape, endstone crawling up the sides of the swirly portal. Obsidian and endstone mixed in together, looking a bit like Scar's portal. It was in one of the larger rooms in the Facility, and you can only access it once you graduate.

I stepped towards the portal and onto the platform to sat on, my hand brushing the mesmerizing swirls.

"You're a sneaky one, aren't you..." I heard a very familiar voice behind me. I paused, slowly turning around to face one of the nicest instructors in this building.

Aquinnernal stood there, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. His staff was on his back, gemstone flashing brightly.

"Ah. You." I said, tilting my head. Quinn sighed, leaning against the wall. He observed me, looking at every detail that was visible. I slowly inched towards the activated portal as he reached for his staff.

"You know I can't let you leave." Quinn said, twirling the staff in his hands. His voice was lower than normal, almost in a threatening tone.

"You're not going to stop me." I declare, staring down Quinn. He met my gaze, not breaking away.

"I have to." He pointed the staff at me, releasing his magic. I threw up a strong shield, stronger than I intended. It was shining bright golden, so bright I had to squint my eyes. It was almost like my aura.

"I'm sorry, Quinn. You're one of the instructors that didn't make it obvious you were sick of us." I called out over the loud sounds of magic, deciding to take it slightly easier. I took control of his magic and aimed it towards the hallway roof above him, only something golden magic can do. The blocks crumbled on top of him, burying him in debris. Pain shocked me and my legs decided to give out. I gasped for breath, but the broken ribs stopped them. I fell to all fours, still trembling from the poor treatment I received in that room.

I heard voices behind me, calling out for me to stop. I crawled towards the portal, already on the podium the portal sits on, arms and legs barely able to move.

"This isn't the end, you brat!" Yavin screamed, trying to stop me with magic. The shield was still up, causing the poor attempt to bounce off like throwing an eraser at a wall. At this point in time, I was magically strong, not physically.

"Well actually-" I started, interrupted by the portal that whisked me away from that nightmare I call my past.

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