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(I should write a story with watchers being actually good for once.)
(and did i ever say how much i dislike this story now? its dragging on for so long but there are many chapters left)

I shot to my feet, heart rate spiking. The only sound I heard was the rush of blood in my ears. Even the other Hermits were deathly silent.

Wiping all emotion away, I glanced towards the two Watchers. Lynnthuic looked the same, excpt instead of wearing Watcher robes, he wore leather-like clothes that wasn't armor. EX, however, changed quite a bit.

He was more injured than normal. His hair was pure, stained with blood, and black at the tips, as if he hadn't cut it since we graduated.

I couldn't see half of his face. He had put on the mask. However, it was different from the one I got. It curved diagonally across his face, very similar to a Phantom of the Opera mask but with no eye hole. The Watcher symbol was in the center of the forehead area, and the bottom part came to a point at the jaw.

That left his right eye visible. Last time we saw each other, it was ebony black. This time, it was silver, almost grey. He stared at me with a dead look, eyes glazed.

"Zachariah..." I whispered. EX narrowed his eyes, the grip around Mumbo's neck getting tighter. Mumbo gagged, bringing his hands up to Zachariah's arm. He tried pulling it away, but the Watcher was too strong. He resorted to struggling against his grip, to which Zach held tighter.

"Zach, let him go." I demanded, loud enough for everyone to hear. Quiet murmures of confusion reached my ears. The other Hermits must know him by some other name.

"In Galactic, honey, or your poor friend will get... quite injured." EX said in a soft singsong voice. I crossed my arms, lowering my eyebrows in confusion. Zachariah never calls anyone 'honey' or sings. His voice is usually rough and slightly monotone, unlike the voice he just used.

"You wouldn't dare-" I said, cutting myself off as Zachariah grinned. He lightly dragged the obsidian katana across Mumbo's neck, creating a thin cut that slowly dripped blood. Mumbo whimpered, trying to pull away. My heart thumped harder as blood passed under Zachariah's arm and stained his suit.

"Zachariah, stop it!" I said, fear almost cracking my voice. Another slice to the redstoner's throat dripped more blood, followed by a cry of pain.

"Grian please-" Mumbo begged, fear clear in his voice. His voice made my blood freeze. It was genuine fear. Fear for his life.

"Grian, just please do what they ask." Xisuma in a low tone growled. I couldn't tell if the anger was directed towards me, or elsewhere. I exhaled a long, exasperated sigh, glaring at the Watchers.

"Okay, alright, fine. What do you want from us?" The language felt filthy on my tongue.

"You weren't supposed to escape-" Zachariah started before I interrupted him.

"Oh, really?" I said with a tilt of my head.

"Cut the sarcasm." Lynnthuic snapped. "The trade is you or your friend. Choose." I hesitated. Mumbo gave me a pleading look, face as white as a ghost. EX was holding him tighter, cutting the circulation off with an evil grin. There was no way to talk my way out of this unless I physically do something.

I stepped forwards, holding my hands up.

"Grian, what are you-"

"I'll be fine." I said, cutting Iskall off. Turning back to Zachariah, I stepped one more step.

"Release Mumbo, and I'll go." Lynnthuic and EX shared a glance with each other. Lint nodded, and Zachariah shoved Mumbo forward. I walked past Mumbo, eyes straight forward and glaring daggers into the Watchers. Every step I took hurt my entire body. I stopped in front of the two taller players.

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