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(I'm trying my hardest to actually type these chapters, but boy oh boy, did I come up with interesting plot for later.)
(Warning: Swearing indicated.)

The weight of the dirk in the back of my inventory suddenly got heavier. My grip on the sword wavered as I stared at Quinn for a few tense moments.

"Just kill him already!" Doc shouted, having been hurt by him earlier. I looked over my shoulder at them. Shouts rose in the Hermits, telling me to perma-death the prone instructor. I shook my head, causing them to quickly quiet. Turning back to Quinn, I folded my wings on my back.

"You saved me?" I asked, lips curving into a frown. Quinn rolled his eyes, hands still up in surrender.

"No, it was the guy named Bobby." He said, causing me to glare. "Yes, of course it was me."

"Prove it." I challenged, poking him with the blade. Quinn winced. I had probably broken some skin.

"Um, I fixed your wings by clamping a hand over your mouth, quickly pulling them into the right place, and doing some quick healing that almost made me pass out." He shook his head. "The things I do for my students." I stared at him. No one else was in the room when it happened. I pulled back the sword just barely.

"... What about the dirk? That could be anyone's." I said, trying to convince myself that the person in front of me, someone who taught Watchers only to take over the world, had saved me.

"On the pommel of the leather-wrapped hilt, there's an AQ carved into it." He said, eyeing my weapon warily. I slowly pulled out the dirk, looking at the bottom. Lo and behold, a barely noticeable carve of those letters were there. You would not have seen it unless you were actually looking for it. I barely even saw it.

I directed my gaze back at my former instructor.

"Why...?" I whispered. "Why did you save me?"

"Yavin was going to kill you." He said.

"Pardon?" My voice jumped an octave.

"Before he left the meeting, he threatened to kill you after he got the information needed. I assume he was going to get something to actually do it."

"Grian? What's going on? Why didn't you kill him yet?" Cub said. I internally winced at how careless he spoke of cold-blooded murder. Looking at the weapon in my hand, I make a quick decision.

I loosely held the dirk blade downwards, holding it out for Quinn to grab.

"Grian, are you insane?" Scar said, preparing to run if he had to.

"Of course I am, have you met me?" I said, watching Quinn slip the dirk into his boot.

Out of the corner of my eyes, the Hermits suddenly got defensive again, some pulling weapons back out. Before I could look at the cause, Iskall nocked his bow and pulled the string back tight. It looked like he was aiming at my head, but I could tell it was just a few centimeters away, arming at someone behind me.

No one dared to move. I didn't dare to breathe.

"Back away, Evil Xisuma, and you won't get hurt more than you already are." Iskall hissed. I cautiously turned to Zachariah, who was attempting to approach Quinn and I. EX froze, slowly raising his hands and stepping away.

I closed my eyes, biting my lip and trying to stop the chuckle that threatened to escape.

But I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I burst out laughing.

"E-Evil... Xisuma? What on Earth did you do to get that nickname?" I wheezed. EX looked towards the ground, his face with both hands.

"Grian, shut up." He begged. I snorted, shaking my head.

"No, why would I?"

"Enough." Xisuma yelled over us. I turned my head to him. I had never heard the admin yell like that before. Xisuma was leaning on one leg with his fists squeezed tight. His arms were crossed and eyebrows were furrowed. However, the look in his eyes betrayed his tense body language.

There was a lost and confused spark in his eyes, whatever color they were.

"EX, what did you do to Grian?" Xisuma demanded.

"I did nothing." EX's behavior instantly changed. He folded his hands under his arm-pits like he was hugging himself. His voice sounded defeated. The only times I hear that voice is when he's in trouble and knows he's not going to get away without punishment.

"You put him under a spell or something." X said, glancing my way. EX huffed and looked to the side.

"Xisuma, he didn't." I said, stepping between the brothers. I faced the group of Hermits who gave me betrayed or confused looks. "If he tried, I'd send him to the void." Everyone winced. They know that the void is the most painful place to be in Minecraft. It's a quick death, but extremely painful. However, if you're at just the right height, you won't die (but pain is still included).

"Oh gee thanks you son o-" I clamped a hand over EX's mouth before he could go on.

"I knew you had a habit of swearing but I didn't know it was that bad in front of more people." I said. Zach pushed my hand away with a scowl. I faced the Hermits, moving in front of Quinn and EX.

"Stand down, they won't cause any harm."

"Are you sure they won't? Just a few moments ago they both were trying to kill us." Impulse said.

Everyone (Xisuma the most), without a doubt, wanted answers. Joe and Scar most definitely wanted to know more. Mumbo seemed betrayed since I stood up for the Watchers. Tango, farther in the back, was baring his fangs as if that'd scare the Watchers away. Cub, Doc, and Iskall looked like they were itching to fight. TFC, xB, Stress, and Zed remained calm, though they looked like they didn't want to have any part in this. Cleo, Jevin, Bdubs, and Etho were still on the edge, but pretended like they weren't. The rest were expecting explanations.

And False... well, she looked like she was deciding whether or not to speak up.

"Things change, you know." Zachariah said.

"Speaking of change, what happened to your eyes? They're a different color." I asked.

"What happened to your PvP? It's worse than normal."

"For goodness sake..."

"I have to explain that, I guess-" Quinn muttered.

"Oh, you have a lot of things to explain, buddy." Xisuma said, stepping forwards with narrowed eyes. Quinn arched an eyebrow, still on his knees. Ezra and I only shared a look.

"In fact, all three of you need to explain. Four players coming into this server uninvited? Attacking one of our server members? Magic we've never seen thrown left and right? Obsidian weapons? Those actions demand explanations, yeah? So, why don't you three sit down and explain to us exactly what that was all about."

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