IV. Building Tension

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It was maybe a few days later when I noticed a strange change in the atmosphere of the server. It was... more downcast, more dull. There was clearly more tension, as if the other players were waiting for me to snap. I wasn't going to, I was just really lonely. They avoid me for some reason I'm unaware of.  I'm not mean, I don't snap, I don't yell unless I'm genuinely mad...

The temperature had dropped by about twenty degrees in the past few days. It didn't bother me since I regularly wear sweaters, but the other citizens were concerned. They knew the weather here could be all wack, but not a temperature drop. It's never happened before.

Mumbo had written to me twice. I replied to each one. Today, a letter arrived, so I shouldn't expect another one soon.

As I sat alone in my house with a cup of water in front of me, I stared into the wall. I did this often. Most of my time was spent staring at a wall, if I wasn't building or occupied with some other activity. I sighed and stood, approaching the tunnel I haven't touched in days.

I harshly jabbed the faintly glowing button, not giving a care at all. The door to the tunnel swiftly opened. I stepped into it, the smell of dirt and stone filling my nose. It was an old smell, one that I associated with Mumbo because of the amount of times he and I met here when curfew was effective. I almost turned back because the memories were hitting me like a stone brick. But I didn't. I had to go on. I had to come down here eventually. If not now, I will never do it.

I anxiously grabbed the sides of my grey jeans, slowly walking the dimly lit tunnel. It looked the same: dirt and stone as the walls, clean carpet on the floor, lanterns hanging from fences, and the cobblestone ceilings.

Pictures lined the walls. Mumbo and I simply smiling at the camera. Us in a tree, moments before the branch snapped. He and I building together. Mumbo falling into the pool after I pushed him. Me almost dead on the grass and covered in redstone.

I choked on a sob, more memories triggered by the pictures. I close my eyes and wish I was out of here.

Nope. Still here. I continue on the walk, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. After half a minute of walking, I arrived at what used to be Mumbo's side. The button was still there, though it wasn't glowing like mine was. Mumbo unactivated it. Probably for the better, to be honest. I was about to turn around when I saw something reflect the lantern's light.

I knelt down and picked the shiny object up.

It was an old ring. Mumbo's ring, to be precise. It was his class ring, from when he studied redstone. It wasn't a large ring, like some I have seen before. The golden band itself was fairly small and thin. I had one very similar to this, as I went to the same school.

The ring had a lapis gem in the middle. The other engravings were the school name, the year he graduated, and his name on the inside of the ring. Mine was almost the same, but with an emerald. Both of the rings meant a lot to both of us. Mumbo would be distraught when he finds out this is missing.

I tucked the ring into my pocket, subconsciously rubbing the one that wrapped around my finger. I turned and walked towards my end of the tunnel, the total time taking three minutes and forty-eight seconds.

Climbing back into my house, I made my way to my room. I pushed the door open, revealing a tan colored room. Boring and normal, just like everything else I have. The dresser's drawer I was looking for was already open. I quickly took a silver necklace chain out and headed downstairs, closing the bedroom door.

After stumbling down the stairs, I slipped the chain through the ring and clasped it around my neck, tucking the ring under my shirt. It was long enough that it would never come out unless I pulled it out.

The old table I leaned against creaked. The silence was deafening, and oddly... comforting. I sighed and looked away for a moment, my eyes landing on the cup I held earlier.

The water in the cup shook and slightly splashed. I turned back to it and narrowed my eyes. A flash of white and purple light blinded me. With a yelp, I stumbled back with my hands covering my eyes and fell into the counter. I tried to grab the iron sword that sat on it, but fumbled with the weapon.

Two figures, faces masked in the shade of their hoods, stood in front of me. Their fingers curled around the staffs they held, sharp nails digging into the wood of the shaft. I shrunk back, instantly intimidated by them. The weapon in my hand felt useless against beings like this.

The amount of power that was radiating from them was visible from the dark purple aura that surrounded these beings. The static sensation in the air confirmed that these two beings were extremely powerful.

My breathing quickened in panic as they spoke in a language I vaguely recognized. I racked my brain to remember what it was called...

Galactic. They were speaking Galactic. Though I haven't spoken that language myself, I do recognize it from my parents and the enchanting table (though it's not like I can read it, for all I know it could say fiddlesticks).

One pointed my way, gaining my attention again.

"He is powerful. He must be taken. He will come with us," they said in choppy English. His lips were curved in a frown, sending waves of terror down my spine.

"How'd you know? You can't just-" The other said. They were also male, but their speaking was more fluent.

"Who are you?" I asked, the grasp on my sword tightening as I tried pressing myself into the counter further.

"That is none of your concern, player," the first said, a sneer flashing. The second scoffed and shook his head.

"Stop it, you're scaring him," he said. The first one turned to the second, almost glaring because of the back talk.

"He must learn to control the power. I can sense, in just a few more days, he will snap and destroy the server from lack of using the built up magic," the first one said. I hold my hands up, causing the two to flinch.

"Wait, explain, magic, emotion, snapping... what?" I asked, close to yelling. The first one turned his head to me and glared as the second one looked away, ashamed.

For the first time in days, I felt some type of emotion that was caused by another living being.

Petrified with terror at the glare I was receiving.

(Edited and proofread June 29, 2020)

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