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(wee filler chapter. 
also, you probably noticed i changed the cover. im going to keep making more until i make one i like. i mean, unless you like this one, idk.)

(I want to say that it is very messy and confusing for a reason that you can probably figure out.)
Day one.

The stabbing pains eventually dulled to an ache, and if I were lucky, they would be totally numb. Where Yavin slapped me had become a bruise on my right cheekbone. Since I was barely moving, everything hurt less and there was no need for food as often. I didn't get anything today, which didn't bother me. I wasn't hungry anyway.

The blood stains in my shirt were still present and dry. There were some patches of dried blood on my skin that the healer didn't clean off. They were in the unseen parts, like my back and neck. Every time I moved (which would be rare), flakes of the dried blood would come off and fall to the floor.

I released a shuddery breath, clenching my eyes close for the next day to come.

Day two...

This day-counting will get messed up since there are no days in the End. The only thing I could use was the ticking clock in the hall, but I couldn't see it.

Four hundred seventy five.

Four hundred seventy six.

Four hundred seventy seven-

The ticks were too fast for me to finish counting. The highest I have ever gotten was one thousand eighty nine.

I stared at the floor, trying to distract myself. I noticed that there were no footsteps walking up and down the hall. Was this hall close off? Was it hidden like the other room?

I wish I knew a way out of this place. The ropes around my wrists started to hurt, rubbing against my skin as tight as they were. I kept my head on the ground, not enough energy to move at all.

Day three?

Unfortunately, I was still in the same dark room. It was quiet... almost too quiet. I'm used to the sound of wind in my ears. Redstone machines working in the distance. Laughter between the Hermits.

The Hermits...

I longed for some company. I longed for other player interaction.

I had no hope of being saved by anyone. The other Hermits could not get here, as it is impossible to since you have to have Watcher blood or you're invited, which is not going to happen. I wished I said good-bye or some last words to the Hermits. If False didn't say, they must be extremely bewildered. Maybe they didn't notice...

I deflated as that thought came to mind. They would have noticed, right? I'm not that useless and unnoticeable... right?

After a few hours, I closed my eyes a little earlier than the last few days. Either I was getting drained from lack of magic, lying here for a long time, or a combination of both.

Day I-lost-count-because-I-don't-have-a-sense-of-time.

Maybe the silence was driving me crazy. Maybe laying in the same spot on the floor for a few days would have an effect on my health. Would I be able to fly every again? Would my ankle heal incorrectly? If I leave my base for long enough, would it eventually collapse?

I slightly shifted positions, wrinkling my nose as my ankle was disturbed. Ouch.

My entire body was stiff. Even my fingers were difficult to move.

Why are the Watchers so heartless? Leaving me here to rot? No care except for the healer who came only once more after the first time?

What are the other Hermits doing now? What if the Watchers got to them?

I sighed loudly to myself. No one is going to hear it anyway.

I really need to organize my thoughts... and my storage system

But what's the point if I'm not going back?

Day I-have-a-bad-feeling.

The day must be coming close. It feels like I've been lying here for years, when in reality, I was probably here for a few days.

My body had started to shake. It was little at first, but it gradually worsened. I'm not sure if it was from fear of temperature. I shivered as if I were cold. Maybe I was, but I don't know. My entire body was numb, there was no way of telling.

I tried to stop the shaking, but I couldn't. I laid there, defeated. I gave up trying to fight the shivers.

For the first time in probably five days, I heard footsteps. They caused me to freeze.

Though I knew he was coming, my heart stopped when Yavin stepped into the room.

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