II. A Childish Frienship

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A dozen years later...

At this time, I was supposed to help construct the patrol building of the city. Protecting this part of the server from outsiders that aren't welcomed is beneficial to the city itself. But no, Mumbo Jumbo decided it would be a good time to teach me redstone.

Redstone, of all things.

There we were, sitting in the front lawn of the house I built. The summer sun beat down on us as I failed to grasp the basic concept of redstone. Even the trees that littered the street seemed to taunt me, making fun of my inability to do grasp the basic concepts.

I looked up at Mumbo, glaring at him as I ran a hand through my hair. It stuck up in all different directions due to the unforgiving heat and humidity.

"Yeah... no, I don't understand," I said, shaking my head in confusion. Mumbo groaned (for the hundredth time), dragging his hands down his face. It's really not my fault, I just don't understand it.

"You're not going to be able to get a job if you don't understand simple redstone," he lectured, adjusting his tie as he spoke. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and picking at the hem of my red sweater.

"Redstone is like... my enemy," I complained, throwing my hands into the air. Sighing, Mumbo tried to explain again, waving his hands around the simple contraption as he spoke.

"It's not that difficult, all this does is run power through the repeater and into the comparator-"

"I don't know what a comparator does!" I interrupted him, narrowing my eyes. "Heck, I don't even know how to craft one!" Blinking hard, he stared at me with disbelief.

"What am I going to do with you?" Mumbo said, rubbing his forehead. Snickering as I sat back, an idea formed in my head.

"Can I teach you about color palettes? Contrasting, complementing, neutral-" Mumbo furiously shook his head. "You should at least be able to know which colors go with which..." I paused, looking up at the cloudless sky and putting a hand to my chin. "Huh, this proves my point. Why do I have to learn about redstone if you aren't learning about building?"

"Because..." Mumbo trailed off, not having any reason. I grinned, triumphant.

"Exactly," I said, starting to stand up from the prickly grass. "Now, I'm going in so I can help with the new building soon." Mumbo wrinkled his nose and stood up.

"Some other time then?"

"Yeah, in six years," I joked, pushing the door open. It creaked as it moved, sending a small shiver down my spine. Mumbo walked in after me, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. Taking our shoes off, we stumbled towards one of the tables. The daily humidity outside seemed to deprive us of energy. Without saying anything, I take a couple bottles of water out of the fridge. I tossed a few to Mumbo, the spoony man somehow not dropping them.

"Since the weather was sunny and humid today, I predict that tomorrow's weather will be rainy and more humid," I comment, looking through the chests that litter my home. At this point, Mumbo has gotten used to it and had stopped nagging me to clean it up. He, however, still goes on about storage systems. Maybe in a different home, when I start fresh.

Mumbo chuckled at my comment, knowing it was one-hundred percent true.

"Most likely."

"Are you doing anything later?" I asked, finally sitting down in the chair in front of Mumbo. The old chair creaked as I dropped my weight onto it.

"No, well, at least nothing planned. I might start on a few new contraptions I've been thinking about," he said, absentmindedly picking at his suit. I took a sip of the water.

"That's nice."

"What about you?"

"No, except that building I was going to help build. But I think friends are more important than that," I said, staring at the bottom of the water bottle. Mumbo gave me a gentle smile, touched at my statement. I smiled back, making eye contact with him. He and I have known each other since we were young. We met when we were only ten, and still, eight years later, we were closer friends than ever before. Granted, we had our fights and arguments, but we always found a way to amend the relationship.

Since we met, we have been with each other almost all the time. Through the highs and the lows, through the funny and the confusing, through everything. We were so close that we sometimes know what the other is thinking. The times when we predicted the thoughts that were going through each other's heads made good memories and great laughs.

One special time that I'll always remember, is when he and I were moving out. Though he is two years younger, he decided to move with me to this place. No, we don't share a house. Unfortunately, he lives farther away than either of our liking. But, we make do. He made an underground messaging system that connects our house. I built a tunnel that runs next to it so we could physically go to the other place. We work together very well. Sometimes, it's hard to be alone or with someone else. It just doesn't work.

Thankfully, the city allows Mumbo and I always work together. The authority had noticed how close we were and saw how well we worked together. They said that they would be proud if we get a real job soon, as they see that we are worthy of such a position at a young age.

It's not everyday you see an eighteen and a sixteen year old building one of the largest buildings on the server.

Yeah, it's only once every week.

Mumbo and I sat in a peaceful silence, for one enjoying company without the childish bickering. No longer was it awkward, as we have been dealing with each other for many years.

Both of us have been around the other for such a long time, it'd be hard to imagine a long period of time without his company and constant lectures of why redstone should be taught to everyone.

It's almost impossible for me to think about that. That's how close our friendship is with each other.

Almost inseparable.

And hopefully, it's the same way with Mumbo. Hopefully, he sees me as a very close friend, almost like a brother.


(Proodread ad edited on June 15th, 2020)

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