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(Thanks for 30k reads!)
(If you put Someone Named Xelqua and and the universe shifts next to each other, would you say I copied atus? Would you say I stole their plot/story line? Their ideas? [by the way i got an idea for the mask grian received so thats going to change soon when i feel like changing it])

[Death and blood.]

A group of students and instructors were gathered in the courtyard. Yavin was speaking to them, fists clenched and eyes narrowed to barely slits. I put a hand to the pillar, lowering myself to a crouching position. Yavin paced back and forth, arms crossed tightly.

"So... how dramatic do you think I can make this?" I asked, sensing Quinn's magic behind me. He leaned against the brick wall, tilting his head silently. We entered at different times and different ways to lower our chances of getting caught.

"Whatever floats your little boat, Xelqua," he said in a low voice. Mumbo and Iskall joined us, prepping their weapons. Iskall's eyes swept over the courtyard. In his off-hand, he held firework rockets, ready to launch into the sky. He and I shared a look, nodding at each other. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the shadows, hiding myself from view. Moving behind the pillars, I eventually got close enough to hear what he was saying.

"-ere is one... Watcher... you must be wary of when we destroy that Notch-forsakened server. I hate to admit, he's the strongest Watcher I have ever seen in my entire life," Yavin spat, a sour expression on his face. It looked like he took a bite out of a lemon. It took every ounce of my willpower to not laugh. It must have pained him to say that. "Stay. Away from him. He killed another student without remorse." My eyebrows formed a v-shape as my lips curved down into a confused frown. That did not sound correct. I quietly scoffed, running my hand over the easily accessible items I had on me.

"I never want to see that monstrosity of a Watcher ever again. Those two blasted Watchers are pains in our-" Yavin cut himself off, realizing he was running on pure fury against EX and I. He took a deep breath, calming himself. I chucked an ender pearl and landed in his field of view. He stumbled back, holding a startled yelp in. I waited until we made eye contact.

"Hi," I said in the most calm voice I could muster, running a hand through my hair as dramatically as I could. Yavin's eyes widened as he started to sputter. The group of students sat stock still, watching in terrified fascination, though I could only see them in my peripheral vision. The present instructors were stunned, but didn't do anything. Both groups surely recognized the robes.

"Wh-how- w- how are you here?" Yavin demanded, voice shaky as he stood up straight. His little world must still be shaky from Quinn's betrayal. In response, I hooked my thumb around my belt, leaning on one leg and tilting my head.

"... I mean, portals are a thing, so is teleporting, and-" He sent purple magic at me. I deflected it into a wall with a flick of my hand. "Now see, that's just rude."

An arrow soared and whistled past my ear, impaling Yavin in the chest.

"Also, fact check before you rant about someone. You got your facts all wrong." Yavin sneered at me, plucking the arrow out of his chest as if it happened everyday. After exchanging a few unclean words and rude gestures, Yavin sent the arrow back at me, sick of my stalling. I hissed as it impaled my arm, drawing blood. The other Watchers snapped into action. They pushed the students back and focused on me.

I nodded my head to myself. Good. They're doing what we expected. At least six streams of magic were directed towards me as I mused to myself. I smirked and released a pulse of gold magic, knocking those who stood to the floor. A few blocks in front of me, a figure dropped from the sky. Tucking their wings in, they glared at Yavin's fallen form with blazing eyes.

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