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(crap i forgot to show you guys... so earlier sometime idk how long ago... uh April 28th, i got fanart and its above. thank you so much, JellyFish3145, its my phone's home screen now <3 and ahhh it's so cute

also, sorry for the late update and stuff, i wanted to do a longer chapter but my computer decided to be a zucchini and not load the document

also, to the comment chain where i said i was almost done editing it like five hours ago? ... i may have gotten distracted trying to learn some of the HC remixes on piano- [rn i know intros of Hermitgang, His Response, and Resource Gathering])

Colors. A multitude of colors flashed in my eyes. Some of them I have never seen before. Most of them were dull, but some neon colors appeared and blinded my eyes.

The feeling in my feet and hands returned, as if they had gone numb. It spread through my body until I could feel it all again. Those colors faded as my eyes fluttered open, vision glazed over. After furiously blinking many times, I was fully aware of my surroundings, all the pain gone. I was floating through a small part of the galaxy. Stars dotted the black infinite space that looked like the void. Galaxies spun like disks, and the stars blinked in and out of existence.

My armor wasn't on me. I was wearing my red sweatshirt and grey jeans again. They seemed new, no loose thread or rip in either article of clothing. The sleeves were rolled down to my wrists, but since it was cold here, it will stay like that.

I pinched myself, wincing as my nails dug into my skin. Scoffing quietly, I looked around for answers to the millions of questions that ran through my head.

Was I not dead? I swear I had been blown to smithereens when I exploded that magical core thing I don't fully understand. I thought I was blasted out the window and landed on the End's floor. That was over a hundred blocks, I should have died.

I wandered around as best as I could. The way to move around was similar to creative, except it was like walking through a pool of syrup. As I moved a block or so forward, small cubes of land and water started materializing. It was like looking at different worlds, both creative and survival. Random builds littered the multitude of tiny cubes that faded into and out of existence.

One familiar cube came into view. It was Hermitcraft on a miniature scale. I stopped and gazed at it, taking in all the miniature builds that I watched get constructed. Reaching a hand out, I brushed the mini world.

My vision flash, and suddenly, as if it were on a screen, I watched the events unfold on the Hermitcraft server.

"... seriously left without us!" Tango tightly crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed and lowered. Stress sighed, as she was probably the one that is trying to calm everyone down. They were in the Shopping District, and of all places, the courtyard of Sahara.

"Of course they did, they wanted to protect us." She laid a hand on his shoulder, giving him a tight but not painful squeeze.

"We are literally a family, they should have brought us with!" Cub clenched the sword in his hand until his knuckles turned white.

"Xisuma said they'll make it back alive and well. They'll be fine," Ren said, albeit unsure. I heaved a heavy sigh and pulled away from Hermitcraft.

I dread the moment we go back.

"Welcome," a female voice said, pulling me out of my musings. I snapped my head towards the speaker. There stood... or floated a human-like figure. She was much taller than me, not unlike everyone. Hair as black as the void flowed over her shoulders, ending at her hips. She wore a long grass green gown, the part flowing and floating as she hovered. It was peppered with small, intricate designs of beautiful flowers.

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