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A few days after that, Zachariah and I promised that when in private, we would call each other by our first names. He did snicker at my name a few times, saying about how it was grain misspelled, but I didn't care. His name sounds like he has relationship problems.

Time really flies, doesn't it? That was a few years ago. Two, precisely. It only seems like yesterday that we arrived here, when in reality it was four years ago. Four. Years. It's like going through high school again. Though, nothing interesting or worth knowing happened.

Since Zachariah and I actually talk now (it only took two years), he asks for help without being embarrassed. I don't see why he was in the first place, but it got better. He and I are in the top of the class along with a few other classmates.

It's a shame and a wonder Lynnthuic and his small group of dweebs hasn't been kicked out yet. Ever since Zachariah and I have been talking more, he's been picking on us. It used to just be me. It started out with taunts, which neither of us cared about. Then came the trips and flicks. Next was the throwing of objects. It eventually escalated to the use of magic, which is still going on.

Zach and I walked through the halls, trying to get to the next class. It was one of the few classes we had together. Looking over to Zach, he made eye contact with me through his hair that covered his eyes. They made him cut it earlier, but it grew again.

We walked past groups of other students. Some looked our way, sneering. They were jealous.

Zach looked over to a certain group, which happens to be Lynnthuic's group. As we walked through another set of double doors, Zachariah looked at me with an alarmed expression.

"Xel," Zach whispered, leaning closer to me so I can hear. "They're planning something bad. I heard snippets of their conversation. Lint wants to duel." I didn't have time to chuckle at the nickname.

"What no that's-" I started. Zach shook his head. Fear filling his eyes.

"He's going to formally challenge you. If you deny-"

"I'd automatically be the loser. I know." I say. I turned my gaze to the floor, watching the steps I took.

"Going to make a plan?"

"No? Yes? Probably. I half-plan, half-freestyle it. Like I always do." I said, shrugging. Zachariah frowned.

"You know, if he's planning to duel you, he probably prepared." I nodded, agreeing with the reasoning. I pointed down the hall.

"Our living quarters are there. I can use the arm-guards and shin guards they provided in the beginning."

"They suck though." Zach said. I smirked, pulling him with me. Using magic, I pushed the doors open and turned into the room.

"I enhanced them. They now have diamond plating, obsidian support, are padded with wool, strong leather as straps, the entire thing enchanted, and are customized." I explained. Zach goggled at me in disbelief as I pulled the shiny pieces of armor out the enderchest. Enchanted iron metal was the base. A thin layer of diamond was attached to make it stronger. Though it was very thin, it would deflect almost anything. Obsidian lined the edge, increasing the durability.

"How-" He was so stunned he forgot to speak English. Force of habit, really. We also said to speak English when only the two of us are around.

"Shh," I said, putting a finger over my lips. "Someone might hear."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He sarcastically answered. "How?" He paused. "There, better?" I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. I started strapping on the armor pieces, tightening them. The arm pieces belonged on my forearms, and the leg pieces belonged on my shins. I pulled the sleeves and pants over their respective pieces of armor.

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