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(*looks at a brick labeled 'pacing', picks it up, and yeets it at a glass window, effectively shattering it*)

"So, Grian," Xisuma started, turning to me from his position on the rock he was sitting on. "Would you mind explaining where you were for the past six days? Especially since you're in a battered state and fell from the sky?" Those two sentences in the tone Xisuma used reminded me of what my father would have said.

"You've caused quite the panic. Not sure if we have ever panicked more before." He continued. My eyes roamed over the Hermits. Some stood, either free-standing or leaning against the occasional tree. Others were sitting on random rocks or the ground. Every single one of them had varying expressions of curiosity. I noticed Iskall was drenched in water, but he, like everyone else, was waiting for an explanation. I'd have to thank him later.

"Can't we do this later? I'm not in the best condition." I asked in a weak voice, rubbing the healed wounds from the tridents earlier.

"Shouldn't take that long." Xisuma said. I frowned, knowing that's a lie. However, there was no getting out of this. I shifted positions, wincing as I moved my leg. The healing potion may have made the pain less, but it didn't heal the fractured bone.

"It's a long story." I said, nervously chuckling to myself. I saw a few Hermits narrow their eyes ever so slightly. I held in a flinch. Lots of narrowed eyes would get directed my way if I was shown to be an instructor favorite. To distract myself, I gathered some supplies out of my inventory, and started wrapping my leg in a splint.

"How about the short version?" Mumbo offered. I nodded, tightening the make-shift splint.

"Magic sucks." I spat out, startling those who were close to me.

"Wait, magic?" Scar questioned. "You've piqued my interest." Joe also leaned forward, excitement and curiosity bubbling just beneath the surface.

"Imagine going through your school years again. Six more consecutive years of learning, no break except for weekends. After you graduate, you're forbidden to say anything to anyone about the magic you've learned. That's why no one knows about it." I tried to summarize. Xisuma leaned back, muttering something that suspiciously sounded like, 'I knew it.'

"That must be so cool!" Joe exclaimed, eyes shining with excitement. "Magic that's unspoken of? Unheard of? Why are you telling us this if it was forbidden?"

"Joe-" I tried to interrupt, but he kept on going. I slumped, knowing I couldn't stop him in one call.

"How'd y'all even keep it from player knowledge? Someone must have seen something... I mean, if you went to a school for that, there must have been many players. How did one not slip? How did no normal player get suspicious?"


"Like, seriously, you might be able to do things that are thought to be impossible! Like warping reality!"

"Joe!" I repeated slightly louder. He's not wrong, with only golden magic it is possible. I just never do it because it's extremely dangerous. Joe looked back at me, suddenly realizing he was rambling. He chuckled and looked down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away..." He bashfully said, a blush quickly spreading across his face. I took another nervous breath. There were varying reactions to my reply. Some were of disbelief. Others were of distrust.

"Those people, after about a year, kidnapped me, hurt me, and got into my head, causing excruciating pain." I looked around. "I wasn't supposed to escape." There was a pause of silence. The tension level was high, almost sliceable with a knife.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Cub finally asked, breaking the silence with a wary look on his face. I looked at the ground, wondering what I could do. Making a quick decision, I flashed my aura for a brief second at a dimmer level. Xisuma audibly gasped. I turned to him, confusion etched on my face. Everyone else followed, equally confused.

"Auras... they're supposedly really powerful. Not even some admins have one." Does that mean some weak Watchers are more powerful than some admins? "That aura you flashed... that's some powerful magic. Would they, whoever they are, be after you because of it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head. Xisuma clapped his hands together, as if he were a teacher.

"Many players want control. Some people try to become admins for that power so they can take over Minecraft, which would mean they are the most powerful one in Minecraft. Obviously, it doesn't work, or we'd be living with a dictator controlling our lives. Now, take your situation for example." Xisuma said, gesturing to me. "They took you back and tried to get you to work with them with a threat of hurting you. With the amount of magic you just flashed, I wouldn't be surprised." I sat there a few minutes, trying to understand what Xisuma was getting at. When I did, I almost fell over.

The Watchers want to control Minecraft. It was on the board in that room.

And control is power.

Why on Earth did I not think of that earlier? It was so obvious, it was staring me in the face.

"Are we in danger?" Stress asked, concern etched in her face. That question instantly set everyone on edge. I paused before hesitantly shaking my head.

"How are we not in danger?" Doc said from the back, hand moving for his trident.

"They got what they needed from me. They should leave me alone now." I said, though not sure. Xisuma suddenly jumped with a yelp, grasping his wrist. His admin band (which had the commands) had shocked him with electricity. The area around his wrist started turning red as if someone slapped him.

"Xisuma, what is it?" Tango asked, standing up. He was one of the people who sat. Everyone shared a look. The only time an admin band physically warns the admin is when a bad threat is threatening the server. This shock was a strong one, meaning the threat is worse than ever.

"I don't know." Xisuma said, pulling up the screens. "Goodness me, that hurt." He muttered to himself. The admin quickly examined the screens as I uncomfortably shifted under the other Hermit's gazes. Did they think I caused that?

A blinding flash of light made me cover my eyes. It was as if the server decided to turn white for a brief second.

When it cleared, everything was the same. I looked to my right to say something to Mumbo-

He wasn't there.

"Xelqua!" A voice snarled at me. I froze, heart slowly crawling into my throat. That voice's last words to me were death threats. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw Lynnthuic standing there. Next to him stood a familiar red cladded man. He had cuts, bruises, and slashes all over his body, and his armor was dented and stained with quite a bit of blood.

EX was holding Mumbo in a choke hold with a katana threatening to slice the redstoner's vocal chords.

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