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(The next chapter might take longer than normal as what's planned is more delicate to plan and type.)

It was deathly silent around us besides the hum of the void, Mumbo's cries that quieted to whimpers, and the crackling of the few fires that shattered the Facility. False stepped over, her hand over her mouth and tears freely flowing out of her eyes. She knelt down near Iskall, head bowed.

I closed my eyes, not able to erase the picture of Iskall's body. Angry burns littered his skin, especially on his face. Iskall's clothing was tattered and blackened from the explosion. His mechanical eyes was powered off, other eye shut tightly.

With a few tears rolling down my face, I lifted Iskall's shirt up. In the center of his chest, purple spread from a small hit point. The skin around it was red and black. It was mutilated and grotesque. Looking to the side, I somehow managed to stomach the puke that rose in my throat, leaving a disgusting aftertaste in my mouth.

"H-He was probably shot at right after the explosion," False whispered. "He flew away, I saw him... but he d-disappeared in the cloud with magic flashing relatively close to where he w-was." I looked up to the place the room that was my target was.

"Change of plans." My voice came out harder than I intended, but it did the job just fine. The others looked at me, too shocked to have any other reaction. "Stay here. Instead of dismantling the thing Quinn spoke of, I'm going to blow it up."

"No, absolutely not," Mumbo quickly said, staggering to his feet. I slowly stood up too, watching as Mumbo's eyes filled with tears again.

"Mumbo, please, listen to me," I said, gently grasping his hands. "Take the others and get out of here, please, you won't survive this."

"Grian no-" He tried to pull me with him, turning away from the Facility. I stood my ground. He might as well have been trying to move a wall.

"Mumbo please!" I cried out, begging for him to listen to me. He turned to me, panic flashing in his eyes. I slipped my hand out of his, closing his hands around a small object before running off without giving him a chance to speak.

"No! I can't lose you too!" I heard Mumbo scream. Clenching my eyes shut, I jumped up and flew to a higher ledge of the Facility using creative mode. It was hard to control, but faster than wings.

Breaking through the window shoulder-first, I lost balance and slammed into the opposite wall. The hall around the corner was the hall the room was in.

Rubbing my shoulder and plucking out a few glass shards, I scampered into the blocked off hall, looking for the door. I knew where it was, the amount of magic made it obvious, but it wasn't there.

Holding my hand out, I blasted that area to smithereens. When the dust cleared, the room was there, the same as I remember it. I stepped into the silent room. A movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

I screamed, startled by the sudden movement. The jumpscare caused my vision to flash white for a moment.

That was when the agonizing pain came back. Creative may not take all the pain away, but it took most of it.

"Pathetic," Yavin hissed, grabbing a fistfull of my hair and dragging me to the other side of the room. "Walked right into the trap." I tried blasting him, but he threw me into one of the desks. The electronics I landed on sparked and powered off.

The board that said their progress said...


I lunged towards Yavin, ignoring the stabbing pains in my body. Both of us were knocked to the floor. We fought with magic and random ground fighting maneuvers, getting slammed into the desks and knocking the electronics to the floor. By the time I was able to get my sword under his chin, the entire room was marked with scorch marks and flashing with the severed power cords.

Yavin leaned back and kicked the sword out of the way, throwing magic at me. It hit my face, making me stumble back. I covered where it hit me, blood seeping through my fingers.

"I'll- bring you down with me... if it's the last thing I do!" Yavin's voice escalated to a forceful yell. He jumped to his feet, swaying slightly. His nose was bleeding and it was dripping to the floor, ankle bent at an awkward angle.

"Shut up," I grumbled, grunting as he pushed me to the side. Hissing in pain, I held up my hand and aimed it to the box Quinn told me about. He described it perfectly, it was just as I imagined. Yavin's eyes widened as he lunged towards me.

"You're scared of losing control- ouch- and when you lose the control, you feel powerless," I hissed, batting him away as the punch he threw connected with my body. Throwing him off of me and into the table, my hand started to glow, magic surging into it. Yavin scrambled to his feet, glaring at me before he noticed what I was doing.

"So I'm going to- stop it- use that to my advantage-" His eyes widened.

"Don't you dare-" he screamed. Yavin was too late. I released all the magic that was held down inside of me. Every. Single. Bit.

Maybe I released too much.

It surrounded the machine, as if it were deciding what to do with the magic. The box started shaking, and any moment, it would explode.

I kicked the door down and ran. Maybe Yavin made it out of there, I don't care, but his scream chilled my bones and sent a shiver down my spine.

The building rattled and shook, throwing me off my feet. My body was already beaten up due to the punches from Yavin, the running, and the fighting in general.

With adrenaline rushing through my veins, I dragged myself into a random room. Looking around, I recognized it as the main room, possibly one of the safest rooms. I crawled more into the room, gaze rising to a purple window-

The Facility exploded with a golden and purple hue as a booming sound rattled my skull and shook my bones. I heard the shatter of a window behind me before experiencing that familiar sensation of butterflies in the stomach. The rumble of a building falling shook the air, kicking up a huge cloud of debris.

The endstone slammed into me- or did I slam into it? A groan escaped my lips as my eyes fluttered. I laid there, limp and dying with my vision tunneling.

This would be it. This is my end.

Someone screaming for me and... maybe shaking my body? I didn't have enough energy to react. They wrapped their arms around me, crying their heart out. My sight turned... white... before one final scream of my name rang in my ears. After that, the silence engulfed me.

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